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- Feb 11, 2025 10:26 am
- Forum: In-Character Roleplay
- Topic: HALO CLXXXV: The Titles End Here
- Replies: 1598
- Views: 137135
Re: HALO CLXXXV: The Titles End Here
[Tower Invitation] Zhareen suppressed a gasp as she read the message. Something had come up! D= Zhareen couldn't help but to ponder what terrible things her poor wifey might be tackling right now since they interfere with her usual punctuality. But she had to put on a brave face for the kids. Or te...
- Feb 10, 2025 10:34 am
- Forum: In-Character Roleplay
- Topic: HALO CLXXXV: The Titles End Here
- Replies: 1598
- Views: 137135
Re: HALO CLXXXV: The Titles End Here
[Prelude to Cat] "No I- I- I' m sorry I'm okay I all right I just . . . Memories, you know? " Quenn just . . . needs a moment to collect herself. Ambrosia's kind words, it seems honestly, were almost what was doing it so so much more than even the memories. Quenn is . . . Fairly clearly n...
- Feb 10, 2025 9:43 am
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: Skyside Prime
- Replies: 1295
- Views: 97215
Re: Skyside Prime
Networking The storm dragon shakes her head. "There's no need for that twelve, it was a simple misunderstanding and I trying to clarify it, not make a moral judgement of your character." Migeshi insists, not wanting to appear too defensive regarding the how the misunderstanding had occurr...
Re: Inside
Freedoment Raheeda lets out a little gasp when Harley mentions bunny nose touching. "I've seen that! It's so cute! I just wanna' hug them forever." She hugs a imaginary bunny with her arms, temporarily letting go of the trolley again. Then after a moment she turns to look at him. "Wh...
- Feb 09, 2025 11:20 am
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: Skyside Prime
- Replies: 1295
- Views: 97215
Re: Skyside Prime
Networking The reaction from the elf was interesting but she could consider that later when 12 wasn't dropping constant revelations on her. "I could guess that from the context." Migeshi replies at 12's comment on 'scientific jargon', keeping her voice steady despite the urge to descend i...
Re: Seaside
[Empress In Distress] Diviano isn't dancing exactly, he is holding up Aiko's hand and as soon as she even thinks about pulling free he lets go and backs away with a deep yet elegant bow as she music change, taking on a lower, more somber tone. "I have brought you here for one reason and one re...
Re: Seaside
Empress in Distress The music continues uninterrupted but its not attacking Darko yet it seems. Even as the pipe organ starts playing by itself behind the masked wizard joined in by instruments which animates and starts to float around the room. "Saay that once-'again to me~ In-a strange due e...
Re: Seaside
Empress in Distress The mask of the man doesn't change but the moment Darko wiggles the sword and poses his threat he looks to the ceiling and starts laughing. A deep, booming, laugh which echoes through the entire room, drowning out the rest of what Darko said. Then, as he finishes, he finally rep...
- Feb 08, 2025 5:41 pm
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: Skyside Prime
- Replies: 1295
- Views: 97215
Re: Skyside Prime
Networking "I might be able to help if I understood just what you were working towards." Migeshi offers though finds that unlikely herself. She was completely unfamiliar with this kind of technology so it was a long-shot but given that 12 hadn't come up with whatever she needed after all ...
Re: Seaside
Empress in Distress Aiko will shortly after diving her message see red mists swirl near her as Darko appears. However, before either of them can get a word out they can suddenly hear singing coming from somewhere in the building. A choir of voices, both female and male, whispers seductively in what...
Re: Inside
Freedoment Must be the global warming. "Oh." Raheeda takes a moment to consider these facts in silence. "Kisses are the thing when people's lips touch, right? Then they exchange saliva or something and I'm pretty sure their tongues are doing something too. Since we only do that on th...
Re: Inside
Freedoment "They were afraid of me for some reason. Probably 'cause of the venom." Raheeda speculates verbally. "But I never bit a horse though so I don't know why they'd think that." She shakes her head. "Silly horses." Then they walk in silence until Harley's questio...
- Feb 07, 2025 7:37 pm
- Forum: Abroad
- Topic: Outside: Grass touch place
- Replies: 3978
- Views: 259444
Re: Outside: Grass touch place
Lair of the Dragon G'nichi stops immediately, showing an impressive amount of control. "This? It's my magic trident, of my Celestial Arms. I did contact you to warn you about the power that was being thrown around. Is there a problem?" he asks, lazily twirling the polearm back into a norm...
- Feb 07, 2025 9:35 am
- Forum: In-Character Roleplay
- Topic: Vigil
- Replies: 1908
- Views: 144816
Re: Vigil
In Search of a Cure Artie blinks. Twice, in the same hour?! "Um. Well I think immaterial of interest is the fact that I did just five minutes ago tell a god that I don't do that sort of thing on the first date." she gives Anika a weak smile. She's trying not to be rude about it but well, ...
Re: Seaside
[Empress In Distress] "We're familiar with the concept." The right head replies with an eager nod. "We shall give you some time alone, however long you need." The left head agrees. The middle head takes a moment before it speaks up though. "...just don't try any complex mag...
Re: Seaside
[Empress In Distress] "All that we hold dear we keep in our hoard, our hands can't really use any of your gadgets so why else would we have them?" They're less hands and more like claws since Pembyrus is a wyvern-type of dragon. "Thus there's very little you can do in that regard. Yo...
Re: Seaside
[Empress In Distress] The heads look at one another as she speaks. The right and left heads look confused while the middle head comes to bare its massive teeth in a large grin. "You seems to have confused us for a one of you, princess." They declare as she finishes. "You speak of cos...
Re: Seaside
[Empress in Distress] Aiko's gaze slides up toward the ceiling as the dust falls, noticing the disturbance but not seeming bothered by it. "...It hardly matters." She says after a moment. "That I am here is proof enough she is not to be trusted. Whether she was truthful in her feelin...
- Feb 05, 2025 11:20 pm
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: Skyside Prime
- Replies: 1295
- Views: 97215
Re: Skyside Prime
Networking "This close to perfection? No wonder you're giddy then." Migeshi muses as she hides her own concerns over this projects completion. It was weird how 12's way of laughing reminded her of Utayo's though and they were both scientists... Twelve had long since abandoned any moral qu...
Re: Inside
Freedoment! "Probably no ghosts, just a lot of fish and fish-birds." Raheeda nods as she too looks up at the sky to see what Harley was looking at. The sun? Hmm... "I heard there's even snakes in the sea, but I never seen them myself." But she was getting distracted, Harley was ...
Re: Seaside
[Empress in Distress] "We understand your empire kept her people imprisoned? Unless that isn't true we find it curious that she would consider you a friend after that." The middle head muses. That's when it feels like the bed Aiko is sitting in shudders slightly and if she looks up she ca...
Re: Seaside
[Empress In Distress] It should be mentioned that the means which Aiko was 'spat out' from the dragon seems magical in nature as in one moment she was in the dragon's hoard and the next she landed in the bed just above the dragons mouth. Not covered in any sort of draconic slime. But Pembyrus doesn...
- Feb 05, 2025 12:12 pm
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: PREP Highschool
- Replies: 3026
- Views: 185047
Re: PREP Highschool
[A New Coworker] "Yeah, I'm sure you are." Tahara answers sincerely. "But I still wanted to help you. That's what friends do and I hope we can be." She smiles and quirks her head, leaning against a nearby desk. "I get the impression you don't have many of those around here....
Re: Riverside
[Return to Sender] Jaahlyn would go into this anyway so Ilpholin's question had been expected. "The devils are still originally all part of a creator that sought perfection yet their creation, a world not too unlike the nexus but dominated by humans as far as I can tell, didn't live up to that...
- Feb 04, 2025 11:57 pm
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: Skyside Prime
- Replies: 1295
- Views: 97215
Re: Skyside Prime
Networking "Seems all too common around here. Creatures and machines made only with killing in mind. Which makes them close to machines than animals to me." Migeshi observes as 12 is sneering at the creature in the tank. Then she listens, her pointed ears listening and reacting carefully ...
Re: Inside
Freedoment! Raheeda lets out a small gasp at Harley's declaration of liking snakes. "You do ?! Wow, there are not many people that does. They're most afraid of us- uh, them." She then scratches her chin as he poses not just one but two questions. "Maybe near the sea. I'd like to go b...
Re: Seaside
Wreck of the Hibernation Ship Baryonyx walkeri The shattered sphere rests in several pieces on the seabed. Originally crafted from some gene-engineered coral, it did not survive its plunge into these depths intact. Silt and sediment has built up around it; despite the recent distress call, it has b...
Re: Riverside
[Return to Sender] The awkwardness of just eating Ilpholin's precious plant quickly fades at the sudden understanding of the nature of Ilpholin's baby. Just what was this woman? But she couldn't let herself get distracted, she accepts the glass from the machine who she probably would have paid more...
Re: Inside
Imprisonment Freedoment! Raheeda scratches her head as Harley asks about the shrines. "I'm not sure actually. She just asked me to put these all over the place. I figure they're for her worshipers or something?" A group she doesn't include herself in apparently. "I don't really use t...
- Feb 03, 2025 2:17 pm
- Forum: Urban
- Topic: Skyside Prime
- Replies: 1295
- Views: 97215
Re: Skyside Prime
[A Breakthrough] "Machines as well as people?" Ambrosia gives pause as she considers this new information. "That's concerning given some of the machines I've seen around here. But what you describe makes sense with what I saw when I fought Nathair. Though he seemed more machine than ...