Quill's Quixotic Questers

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Quill's Quixotic Questers

Post by quillpleasant »

Look at my characters boy

New little guys will be added here as I make em. Individual posts to follow below because they're my babies AND they deserve it.

Hyphaelia~ A mycoid (mushroom girl) who's on the run from her mother, Queen Hyphaelia, of whom she is also a clone. She has little experience among non-mycoids but is very well read, leading her to think many commonplace things are fictitious. Pleasant but somewhat amoral, with a taste for decaying things.

Harley LaLune~ Former trickster god, his powers were stripped away and bound to him in the form of a filigree rabbit mask that can't be taken off. In order to be freed, he must bring a thousand times more joy into the world than he has brought suffering. This makes him extremely nice, but only because he has to be.

Atya Xilo~ Cult escapee made immortal against her will. Mean spirited but flirtatious, with emotional barriers a mile high. Extremely greed motivated. She's obsessed with fire, and her signature chemical thrower has a number of different settings to melt or burn anything she wants (which is most things).

Nathair~ Former ruler of an ancient civilization that was destroyed as a result of his poor leadership. Burdened by guilt, he sought atonement by working as a bodyguard before he was compleated by phyrexians. Now converted, he spreads the glory of phyresis in the name of Ilpholin.

Alice Q and Kraujo~ A forgetful quantum physicist and the blood demon who was bound to her by the actions of a mysterious cult. They have an odd couple thing going on; she's a decent person, and he likes to do murder.

Darko~ A nervous young would-be magician trying to get rid of his chaotic magical power. His helpers are the Wizards, a group of enigmatic invisible beings that may or may not have his best interests at heart. He lives in a broken down theater because he turned his family into animals.

Simon Xilo~ A dragon enthusiast that woke up in the Nexus after getting eaten by a dragon. Now he looks exactly like his killer, but reverts to human form in times of high emotion. A computer whizz weeaboo with a pretty bizarre family history.

Lenny~ Werewolf with a particularly nasty strain of lycanthropy. Morbid and sarcastic, more so due to their curse slowly bringing them closer to death. Searching for the person who turned them and their parents into animals, for closure or revenge.

Vyzan Xilo~ A delicate, blind necromancer who uses zombies as seeing eye dogs. Happy to add any corpse to his ever growing "family". Not so much evil as morally challenged.

Cea Xilo~ An elven mutant whose teeth and tentacles are not as sharp as her temper. Has three flying death orbs for pets. Extremely paranoid, and tends to eat people first, ask questions later.
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Re: Quill's Quixotic Questers

Post by quillpleasant »

Aliases: Lia
Gender/Orientation: She's a mushroom, she couldn't care less about these things
Species: Mycoid (mushroom person)
Age: ???
Profession: Runaway/criminal
Theme Song: Mushrooms/DeadPeople - Meredith Bull

Hyphaelia's appearance is somewhat mutable, but she usually resembles a tall slender young woman with a large mushroom cap growing from the crown of her head, somewhat resembling a wide brimmed hat. She tends to be extremely thin, almost malnourished, with willowy limbs and deep set eyes.
Aside from that, details depend on her current molt, but her skin tends towards bright flashy colors like pink or teal with her hair and cap tending to be darker. Sometimes she glows. She disdains normal clothing, instead growing coverings from her own body, preferring diaphanous flowing garb.

Hyphaelia is not the easiest person to get along with. Her general naivete and somewhat alien outlook can come across as insensitive or simply strange, and she doesn't have a lot of empathy to go around. It's not that she's unkind or mean spirited, she's just not very nice.

She doesn't have much in the way of a moral code, and although she won't harm others without provocation she also won't hesitate to do so if it directly benefits her. Her insatiable curiosity can lead to annoyance due to her constant questioning of just about everything, while at the same time she can be extremely smart in random ways. Her education is incredibly sporadic, leading her to be an expert on some subjects and a complete novice in others.

Due to being raised in an isolated and alien environment but with access to a largely random assortment of books from throughout the multiverse, Hyphaelia has come to the conclusion that many basic things are fictional world building. So she might, for example, be able to recite the Illiad in its original Greek while fully believing that marriage isn't real. This can lead to misunderstandings and, you guessed it, lots of questions.

None whatsoever. Well, she did get a ring that grows her some extra eyes.

Last edited by quillpleasant on Dec 28, 2023 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Quill's Quixotic Questers

Post by quillpleasant »

Harley LaLune

Aliases: Harley, Rabbit in the Moon, Moon Bun
Gender/Orientation: Male, bisexual
Species: Currently human, formerly a god, formerly formerly a rabbit
Age: ???
Profession: Castaway/would be hero/do-gooder
Theme Song: The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake

Harley is a young man perhaps in his late 20s, although his short height might make him seem less than that. He’s slim, with lean muscles and pale skin. A multitude of scars cover his body, old ones all over his back and new ones on his chest and limbs. What little body hair he has is white, and his head is entirely encased in a filigree rabbit mask.
Said mask is made of silver with elaborate golden etchings on it, and long ears that extend several inches above his head. The only part of him that can be seen through it are his eyes, which are a light pink in color. He typically dresses in whatever clothes are available. He’s not picky.

Harley generally comes off as quite laid back, going along with anything life throws his way without complaint. He has a strong desire to help others and make them happy, and will go out of his way to do so even if it’s difficult or unpleasant. Conversely, he also avoids anything that could harm others or make them unhappy.
However, this isn’t completely out of a true want to do good, but rather because of his curse (see history). In reality, he’s a rather selfish individual who actively takes joy in messing with people- or he used to be, at least. It’s hard to say how much of his current personality is put on to reduce his sentence, and how much of it is genuine remorse and growth. Is it the actions that matter more, or the motivation behind them?

Philosophy aside, it’s clear that Harley has a dark side that usually comes out when he needs to hurt people for the greater good (i.e. when protecting people or fighting evil). In these situations where he’s “allowed” to cut loose, he can enter a vicious rage that might be quite shocking to those who are more used to his usual chill self.

The indestructible enchanted rabbit mask that suppresses his godly powers. Nothing else. Well, he’s actually gained a spear recently.

Last edited by quillpleasant on Dec 28, 2023 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Quill's Quixotic Questers

Post by quillpleasant »

Alice Q & Kraujo
Aliases: Q, Bloodfiend
Gender/Orientation: Alice is a bisexual woman, Kraujo doesn’t care about gender
Species: Alice is human, Kraujo is a blood demon
Age: Alice is 29, Kraujo’s age is unknown
Profession: Alice is a former quantum engineer and physicist, Kraujo is unemployed
Theme Song: Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Alice is a striking woman with dark, intelligent eyes. She has short, dark brown hair and stands about 5’6”. She tends to dress in button up shirts, suspenders, and vests, and is never seen without her hat, which can take the form of any headgear but usually appears as a black bowler. Her fingers are long and twitchy, and she carries herself with an easy confidence.

Alice’s right arm is missing, cut off at the shoulder. Replacing it is what appears to be an arm made entirely out of blood. This “arm” is actually the demon Kraujo, who is magically bound to her. Kraujo can shift and change shape from a normal proportioned arm, so a giant twisted claw, to a blade or tentacle, or even more detailed shapes. However, he is unable to leave physical contact with Alice’s shoulder.

Alice is extremely clever, one might even say a genius. She has a vast knowledge of engineering and math and a constant drive to innovate and learn. However, she never lets this go to her head, and is far from a snooty academic. Quite down to earth, she’s always quick with a joke or to lend a friendly ear. However, she can be a bit nosy, and she has very little patience for cruelty or injustice. She also tends to be forgetful, and is missing chunks of her memory, which is incredibly frustrating to her.

Kraujo, on the other hand, is loud-mouthed, crass, vicious, and a whole host of other not so great things. He’s self centered and mean spirited, and takes great pleasure in messing with other people. However, he also has an appreciation for strength, and if someone proves their worth then he’ll accept them as a fellow warrior. Despite his protestations to the contrary, he’s quite protective of Alice, and will go out of his way to keep her safe both physically and emotionally. Usually through violence.

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Re: Quill's Quixotic Questers

Post by quillpleasant »

Atya Xilo
Aliases: Subject A5
Gender/Orientation: Female, pansexual
Species: Half elf
Age: 119
Profession: Chemist/criminal/fashion model
Theme Song: Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz (feat. Yacht Money)

Atya is a woman of slightly below average height, with flawless tanned skin and a curvy figure. Her eyes are a bright green, and she has choppy bleach blonde hair cut in a shoulder length bob. Her fashion tends to be tasteful and expensive, and she has an extensive wardrobe for any occasion. However, her default adventuring getup is a simple tank top and cargo pants.

Outside of polite company, she’s rarely seen without some kind of weapon, and more often than not she wears her pride and joy on her back- the BFT 499, her personally customized chemical thrower, polished to a brassy sheen and as beautiful as it is destructive.

Experiencing intense physical or mental sensations, both positive and negative, activates the chemical B32 in her veins, causing her to glow from within. This can be localized, since as her wounds glowing as they heal, or spread over her whole body in the case of particularly extreme experiences.

Atya can come off as a very one dimensional person. She’s a hedonist, who enjoys indulging in all kinds of vices, from her ever present cigarettes to the extravagant parties she hosts at her château. Her ego is excessive, and flattery is a sure way to earn her favor. Unsurprisingly, she’s incredibly flirtatious.

The only thing she enjoys more than earthly pleasures is destruction, especially arson, and she brings all her chemical and demolition expertise to bear at the slightest excuse. She has absolutely no fear and happily throws herself into the most deadly of conflicts, trusting in her combat skills and unique physiology to keep her safe.

However, all this is essentially just an act. In reality, Atya is incredibly depressed, due to her traumatic past and the rather brutal quirks of her immortality. The same drug that keeps her alive has also rewired her biology, slowly numbing all her senses over time. Her pursuit of ever more extreme experiences is born out of this loss of sensation, a desperate attempt to feel any sliver of happiness or pleasure while she still can. By losing herself in violence, drugs, or the company of others Atya can make her life somewhat bearable. Even her self aggrandizement is a front put on to hide her insecurities, rather than actual vanity.

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Re: Quill's Quixotic Questers

Post by quillpleasant »


Aliases: Darko the Magnificent, The Dark Child, Emily
Gender/Orientation: Bi trans boy
Species: Human
Age: Approximately 14
Profession: Magician in training/Student at PREP
Theme Song: Kid Midnight - IRONTOM

Darko is short for his age, and skinny from years of malnourishment. He has wavy blonde hair, dark eyes, and a slightly upturned nose. His nervousness and tendency to slouch make him seem even smaller, and he tends to favor overlarge, baggy clothing. Although he generally wears things with little regard for fashion, the exception is his magician’s outfit, featuring a red vest, half cape, and glowing blue cane. He’s still working on getting a good wizard hat.

Darko is a deeply kind and good hearted person, who genuinely cares about people, even without forming strong connections to them. He has little concept of guile or deception, and can be overly trusting at times. He’s a huge nerd, who’s usually buried in a book or practicing stage magic, and is easily excited by things pertaining to his interests.

Stage magic is his passion, and he constantly studies it, perfecting his sleight of hand and performances in the hopes of one day becoming a great magician in his own right. Of course, this must be achieved without the use of actual magic- stage magic is an art form, and using actual magic ruins the skill and talent involved in it.

Due to his traumatic upbringing, he’s also quite nervous, with a strong sense of guilt and fear of hurting others. Spending years without a real family and with untreated mental illness has given him some deep set issues of self image and loathing, and although he’s good at masking around others, he has intense depression and anxiety. This makes it difficult for him to stand up for himself, and he has a very hard time saying no.


The “Wizards”:
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