TeChameleon's Toons

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Less-Fresh Toddler Poster
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TeChameleon's Toons

Post by TeChameleon »

Please let me know if this is okay; I haven't been able to find any new player guides anything similar, so I'm just kind of winging it here..
Dag "Eddie" Wentim
Aliases: Eddie (because seriously, "Dag"?), That Stone Kid

Gender: N/A, presents male (He/Him)
Species: Stone Golem
Age: Roughly 700 chronologically, about 50-ish in terms of lived experience (around 150 if you count his time basically cloistered in the lab, which he doesn't), looks about 10 physically
Profession: Former lab assistant, adventurer, occasional siege weapon

Eddie is an animate statue of a young boy, roughly 10 years of age, and fantastically detailed to the point that individual hairs appear to have been carved out. He's about 4'4", and weighs nearly 250 lbs. A loosely-curled mop of granite hair crowns his head, and he looks like he still has traces of baby fat, the overall look ending up so cherubic that he has occasionally expressed relief that he wasn't carved with wings and a halo.

He's made from polished granite, and thus his skin, hair, etc. has the typical light mottled grey appearance associated with that stone, with the exception of his eyes, the irises of which glow with a variety of colours and intensity of light (the controls are just inside his left ear). He tends to favour relatively snug clothing, chosen almost exclusively for being as hard-wearing as possible, with the exception of a looser red hoodie that he wears with the hood up, casting a bit of a red reflection on his face and making his unnatural 'skin' tone less obvious when he's out and about.

Eddie is quiet, shy, and as stubborn as the stone he's made of. He finds humans fascinating, although he doesn't really want to be one- as far as he's concerned, he's already 'people', which is plenty for him. His main goal is learning what he can about anything that catches his interest. Wealth and such doesn't hold a lot of meaning for him, since his physical needs are minimal at best.

The only consistent equipment he has are a duralumin backpack and belt pouch, along with chain mail undergarments to preserve his decency when his outer garments are destroyed yet again, given how much more durable he is than they are.

Stone Durability- He's actually significantly more durable than granite, since being flexible means his ductile strength is immensely higher. Any damage he takes will heal at roughly the same rate an analogous injury would on a human, barring outside boosts.
Golem Strength- He can pretty casually lift and carry three tonnes.
Antaeus Syndrome- Contact with the ground (or a stone, concrete, or metal floor indoors) boosts his natural capacities immensely; he is nearly indestructable, can hurl nearly fifty tonnes over the horizon, and break the sound barrier on foot (albeit only in a straight line). And if he does take damage, he heals much more quickly than he would otherwise.
Magic Dependency/Thaumovore- Magic is his nourishment. Any magical items he is in contact with will be slowly drained until they're rendered entirely mundane. Areas with high levels of background magic can also sustain him. If he has nothing to 'eat' (note that this is done by simply absorbing the magic through his 'skin', he doesn't need to put things in his mouth), then he will eventually enter a period of dormancy that will last until a fresh source of food comes into range (about thirty feet during dormancy, otherwise limited to physical contact, or at least on his person). Directed spells can't be absorbed- it's the difference between having a drink of water from a glass and trying to drink from a firehose.
Grip-Field- There is a field of magical force surrounding his body to a distance of about five millimetres that basically acts as a cushioning force and allows him to grip things far more easily than solid stone fingers would, makes him less likely to injure someone just by bumping into them, that sort of good stuff. It's more for the protection of everything around him than his protection, though, and is fairly easily permeable.

Eddie started life as an experiment by the golem master, Archmage Edmond Hamilton. From fragmentary records that could be gathered after the destruction of Hamilton's laboratory, Dag Wentim was his first attempt at creating a golem that had a childhood equivalent, in hopes that he could create one capable of more flexible thinking. Apparently being a little ADHD, the archmage decided to also experiment with a golem that drew power directly from the Earth's magical field itself.

The best guess at what happened next is that the double-prototyping fouled something, and Hamilton got a golem that was child-like in both mind and body, rather than just mind as he had been intending. Whatever the case, archmage Hamilton raised the newly-minted Dag as an odd mix between his own son and his lab assistant. And the arrangement worked well enough for the next century or so, with the secluded wizard's tower making up the entirety of Dag Wentim's world.

And then, as always seems to happen with reclusive research-inclined wizards, something went wrong. The tower was annihilated, and Dag "Eddie" Wentim was the lone survivour... in a manner of speaking. Without any magic to feed from anymore, and what he had stored up being used to heal his injuries from the tower's destruction, Eddie was left in a dormant state for nearly six hundred years.

What saved him was being put on display in a museum that had other magical artifacts close enough for him to drain them and regain his mobility (a period of his life that brings him intense embarrassment, since his clothes didn't survive the explosion or the centuries). He was found in the museum by the curator, trying to cover himself with a nearby tapestry. After considerable confusion, he was able to convince enough people that was, in fact, alive and sapient, to be granted his freedom.

Taking his 'father's' name, Eddie drifted into a life of adventuring, as that was a way to keep up a steady flow of magical items for him to 'eat' without needing absurd amounts of money.
Last edited by TeChameleon on Mar 04, 2024 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Less-Fresh Toddler Poster
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Re: TeChameleon's Toons

Post by TeChameleon »

Aliases: Wonko the Sane

Gender: N/A, presents male-ish (pronouns irrelevant, he absolutely does not care. He, She, They, It, whatever)
Species: Grey Alien
Age: 50 physically, has access to a sort of clone-line ancestral memory stretching back 1900 years
Profession: Former leader/conscience/sanity/common sense of his entire species

Grey skin, large black eyes without any whites, no nose, small, almost lipless mouth, large head, somewhat spindly limbs, 4'8" tall, and neither clothing nor any reason to wear any. A standard grey alien, pretty much.
X-1 has been 'the sane one' for so long that it's hard for him to turn it off. Sarcastic, blunt-spoken, and delivers 'hints' like he's lobbing bricks at your head, although he means well. There's a good heart (or three) in there someplace, and maybe no longer being responsible for keeping a race of suicidal genius idiots alive might help bring it out.

- City-sized mothership, with all the accoutrements you would expect from such, like teleporters, death-rays, tractor beams, auxiliary craft, etc.
- Ray Gun
- Personal Force Field

Telekinesis- X-1 can lift and move things simply by willing it.
Telepathic Speech- X-1 lacks vocal cords and simply projects his desired thoughts into a recipient's brain. He is only able to project, however, and cannot read minds.
Clone Line Memories- Basically ancestral memories from all previous Wonko the Sanes, the former leaders of his people and his genestock.
Extreme Environmental Tolerances- Past genetic manipulation of his lines mean that he remains relatively comfortable in almost any atmospheric conditions- he's not invincible, but a blizzard or a scorching desert isn't going to inconvenience him particularly- he can even survive raw vacuum for a time.

Back in the early days of the grey aliens' expansion into space and their near-universal decision to adopt cloning as their primary method of reproduction, it was decided that being sensible was the most desireable trait to be found in their leadership. Unfortunately, it was also decided that since the leadership was going to be so eminently sensible, the rest of the species wouldn't need to worry about that nonsense.

And so, both the greys' suicidal levels of curiousity and X-1, Wonko the Sane the 1st, were born.

This X-1 is 36th in the lineage, and has both the wisdom and the long-suffering frustration of all his predecessors. Unfortunately, one of his people decided to attempt an insurance scam with the royal(-ish) mothership, and warped it into the Nexus while attempting to lose it in the multiverse. While X-1 could probably find his way back, to his way of thinking, either Wonko the Sane the 37th has been activated already, or his collection of beloved imbeciles has blown up their universe, and in either case, there's no real reason for him to return.
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