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Re: GLoG

Post by Keeper »

Main Cabin

"Oh, my grandparents adopted me when I was a baby. I'm from a fishing town out on the coast named Kunani." Kol explains. He adds after a pause, "They're not really my grandparents." just in case that wasn't clear.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Main Cabin]

Aaaand now Khannie returns with some clean clothing!

"I got some shirts and pants and stuff," Khannie reports as she offers the attire. "But the only shirt that looked Kol's size was this one."

A pink Hello Kitty tee with white sleeves.

The horror.

The horror.

"Was there anything else you needed, Sophie? Umm... did you want me to stick around, Kol. Or just..."

She leaves that sentence hanging and waves vaguely at the door.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Morty »

[Main Cabin]

Sophie looks over in Khannie's direction. Good. Kol will feel better once he has some clothes on. Even if some of them are... peculiar.

"Yes, I have more questions but I don't know if you want Khannie to hear them too."
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Re: GLoG

Post by Keeper »

Main Cabin

Kol glances over at Khannie and takes the clothes, popping into a bathroom to put on the clothes without (audible) complaints. He'd rather wear pink than be naked.
Still lame, though.
"I don't mind if Khannie knows." She bared her secrets a little bit back at her dorm. It doesn't feel right for him to keep stuff from her.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Hraithre »

[Main Lodge]

Night has fallen, and good kids ought to be in bed already, when amlone boy, maybe 10 years of age, wanders in. He's Sam, one of the more mundane camp residents. He's looking around for Miranda Cortez. Should he spot her, he'll walk right up to her. "Miss Cortez? There's a monster under my bed."
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Re: GLoG

Post by Ironsmith »

[Main Lodge]

"Mm?" Miranda looks up from her paperwork, giving the poor kid a patient, if tired, smile as she closes the folder on her desk. Goodness knows they've been busy lately; with Thanksmas coming up and Spooktober just behind them, there's been a lot of scrambling to get things prepared for the holidays, dismantle the decorations for the ones that have already passed, and of course, just tend to their regular duties as a daycare facility. "A monster?" She queries, in a tone somewhere between amusement and weariness. "That's probably Alto again, isn't it? I'll go have a talk with him. In the meantime..." She reaches into her hotbox and pulls out some blank pieces of paper and a couple of pencils. "Draw me something nice while I'm gone, okay?"

With that, Miranda stands up, retrieves her coat, and makes her way over to Sam's cabin, stepping inside and giving the doorframe a little knock to announce her presence. "Hello? Anybody here?" She calls, knowing full well somebody is, indeed, here.
Who're you? ...Don't matter.

Want some rye? Course ya do!

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Damn few,
And they're aaaaall dead.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Hraithre »

[Main Lodge ---> Sam' cabin]

"I guess. If Alto is its name", Sam says with a shrug as he takes the paper and pencils, "it's too big to fit there properly so the whole bed moves. Not great for sleeping."

Miranda leaves Sam to draw and gets to the cabin. Her call is answered by a sad, frightened whine. The door has been left partly open - when she opens it, she can see Alto has crawled into a corner, lifting the entire bed off the floor in doing so. The bed is sort of balanced on its back, quaking as the monster beneath it quivers.

"Oh, hello Miss Cortez", a cheerful voice calls. There's a sound of little feet hitting the floor and tip-toeing to the door as Danny, one Sam's cabin mates, jumps out of bed and gets to the door. "Did Sam find you? It's the pale thing, as usual. Jumped at a ghost, I think." Like Sam, Danny is rather ordinary person, so rarely sees the local gaggle of ghosts, unless they want to be seen. So he isn't quite sure if the ghost that spooked Alto was real or imagined.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Main Cabin]

Khannie gives a little nod back and sits in a chair that's a LITTLE further away from the others.


It feels respectful to give Kol a bit more space when he's talking about personal stuff. She isn't sure if she should be here or not but she guesses that Kol just likes the idea of a familiar face being around or something?

Once Kol is dressed Khannie allows the shadow-robe she had woven together dissolve. It feels like... nothing. Just sort of vanishes as the shadows slide off and merge with any of the dark corners in the cabin.

"Alright. I promise I won't use anything you say here to make fun of you," Khannie swears very seriously.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Ironsmith »

[Sam's Cabin]

"Alto." Miranda gently corrects Danny. "Not 'the pale thing'. Use his name, okay? Unless you want him to start calling you 'the skinny kid'." She gives Danny's hair a playful ruffle and moves on up to Alto, kneeling in front of him so that she's at eye level.

"Hey, buddy. Are you all right? You look pretty spooked." She keeps her hands off of him for now, not quite able to recall if he's one of those kids that's okay with being touched or not, but keeps them on the floor in front of her in case it turns out he is. She's seen Alto react to ghosts before (sort of) and at this point thinks that, if he sees one that sends him scurrying under the bed like that, it must've been a pretty frightening phantom.
Who're you? ...Don't matter.

Want some rye? Course ya do!

Here's to us!
Who's like us?
Damn few,
And they're aaaaall dead.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Morty »

[Main Cabin]

"Thank you, Khannie." Sophie nods to the girl. She appreciates encouraging Kol to open up. Now it's time for her other questions. "Can you tell me about your grandparents? How did they come to adopt you?"
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Re: GLoG

Post by Keeper »

Main Cabin

"Grandpa is one of the village mechanics. Grandma was a chef. They adopted me when I was a baby when they found him. They never gave me too many details. I never really asked." Kol shrugs. He's from a fishing village. Why would he have needed an expansive explanation of his history? He just figured his parents abandoned him or got lost at sea.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Main Cabin]

"That's a lot like what happened with me," Khannie muses, figuring that the commonality might be a thing they could commensurate over. "I was just sorta found and adopted when I was little, too."

Sophia is probably aware of the broad strokes of Khannie's early years before she started showing up at GLoG regularly, but she's always been pretty tight lipped about exactly what it was like and what the details were. It was probably obvious to Sophie that Khannie found the separation from her father early in her life traumatic.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Morty »

[Main Cabin]

"That seems to be all I needed to know," Sophie says. Khannie's interjection is valuable insight, but set aside for now. "What do you want to do know that you know more about your origins?"
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Re: GLoG

Post by Thursday Violist »

[Daddy at Daycare]

Manja nods, looking proud: Yup! Being bad.

And she's glad that her weakpoint is no longer grabbed. She curls up and starts purring.

To be honest, she hasn't really talked in cat form before now. So it's not really that much of a surprise that she doesn't answer immediately.
The kitten yawns.
"It's fun," she ends up saying, answering the main question, and not the follow-up question. "By the door is fun."
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Re: GLoG

Post by Reinholdt »

[Daddy at Daycare]

Reinholdt's trying not to just melt and give Manja anything and everything right there. He has to stay strong and learn what they came to learn. But the petting certainly never stops and the pride swells in him as Manja talks as a cat.

"What about the other kids, are they fun too?" Sometimes you have to focus on a single question at a time. She's still a kitten after all. Multiple questions are bound to be overwhelming. So just the one this time!
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Treasure Hunting]

It's always on the weekends that Khannie's here now. She used to come to Glog pretty much every single day after school. But with her spending pretty much all her time on the PREP campus it's really only the weekends that she has available now. Khannie has busied herself with cleaning the big cafeteria cabin and while doing so finds herself admiring all the little clay hand-prints hanging on the wall.

There are, of course, gobs of them.

The tablet is still sitting on a little shelf nearby, always filled with soft clay waiting for a new inscription to be made.


That was fun, wasn't it? Finding the pretty treasure box and all the neat little enchanted trinkets inside or whatever they were?


There was a MAP in there, too, wasn't there? Lapis had said something about how when there was a MAP inside the treasure chest that meant there was going to be another, even bigger treasure trove at the end of map. Just for fun, she pulls the drawer in the shelf open and sure enough there it is. A little golden-colored scroll. She pulls it out and-

-should she?

If the second chest had been filled with cool stuff then what sorts of neat things might be in the third one?

Y'know what?

Let's go. Khannie hurries to finish up cleaning the cabin and then it's time to go find Tuskfang because she's pretty much one hundred percent sure he'll get a kick out of it. Sure he's just a little kid but really Khannie doesn't mind keeping the younger children occupied. She enjoys helping around Glog. It's refreshingly normal compared to the rest of the stuff she does.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Morty »

[Treasure Hunting]

When Khannie finds Tuskfang, the woblin is in the process of trying to get Hornclaw to fetch a stick. The Crundle does sometimes scurry off after it, but is otherwise more interested in trying to climb onto his master or something else.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Treasure Hunting]

"Hey Tuskfang!" Khannie calls out, waving as she jogs over. "I was cleaning over in the cafeteria cabin and ran across that map we found in the treasure box."

She helpfully gestures at the golden-colored scroll in her hand.

"And I was thinking since I got my work done here pretty quick maybe it would be cool to try finding whatever this map leads to? We never even opened the thing last time around since it was getting dark and it's just been sitting in a drawer since."

No reason to let a perfect good adventure sit around unused forever.

"So wadayah think? You wanna do some treasure hunting? Maybe rope some of your other friends into it? Mrs. Frescot's kids are usually here on the weekend," she says, glancing around as if the act of doing so will suddenly cause a pair of antlered boys to manifest out of the bushes nearby. "I've got my Official Glog Business Hat on so I can be the treasure hunt supervisor."

Having a treasure hunt supervisor is very important.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Keeper »

Morty wrote: Nov 13, 2022 6:56 pm [Main Cabin]

"That seems to be all I needed to know," Sophie says. Khannie's interjection is valuable insight, but set aside for now. "What do you want to do know that you know more about your origins?"
Main Cabin

For the first time, Kol breaks eye contact and looks down at the floor.
"I...don't know? It should probably change a lot but...I feel like I don't actually know what this changes. It's like it's a lot but also I don't know if it's that much right this second? Does that make sense?" Other than the practical thing of learning how to shift.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Main Cabin]

That's a question to think about, isn't it?

This gets Khannie thinking about how SHE felt when she discovered that her parent was a human. A real hero of legend! She had always known she wasn't from the village. Not really. Something always felt off. A greater destiny waiting for her. And meeting her father really brought that all to reality.

But with Kol...

He finds out his mom is dead.

That's gotta really suck.

She offers him an encouraging smile. That seems like the best thing to do.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Morty »

[Main Cabin]

"It does make sense. There's no reason to drop everything and go chasing after shadows." Of course, since Kol goes to a school for protagonists, it might be something he ends up doing anyway. "You'll have to wait and see what happens with your life now."

[Treasure Hunting]

Tuskfang gasps and claps his hands, looking at Khannie. Enthusiasm fills every fiber of his tiny body.

"Yeah! That was a really fun treasure hunt! We can totally do it again! Let's see who else is around!"

Hornclaw seems infected by his owner's enthusiasm and hops over to Khannie before making a croaking noise.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Treasure Hunting]

"Not again because THIS treasure hunt is going to be even BETTER!" Khannie insists. She doesn't know this to be true, but she will will it to be so! Also she pats the weird bipedal lizard thing on the head.

Hornclaw has always seemed really pokemon-y to Khannie. Even though he isn't. He's an animal. The regular human-world kind. This gets really confusing when animals also have magic powers but Khannie tries not to think on that too deeply.

"Okay, let's go! There wasn't anyone else in the lodge so we should check the daycare center. Then maybe the lake and the sand pit?"

The sand pit being Khannie's name for the sandy area near the lake where the volley ball net and horse shoes and things go. Sometimes the other kids will be using the equipment there for activities. Either way, Khannie sets off!

"The last one had riddles and mystery pictures and whatever so having more treasure hunters to figure the clues out will help."

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Re: GLoG

Post by Thursday Violist »

Reinholdt wrote: Nov 16, 2022 8:37 am [Daddy at Daycare]

Reinholdt's trying not to just melt and give Manja anything and everything right there. He has to stay strong and learn what they came to learn. But the petting certainly never stops and the pride swells in him as Manja talks as a cat.

"What about the other kids, are they fun too?" Sometimes you have to focus on a single question at a time. She's still a kitten after all. Multiple questions are bound to be overwhelming. So just the one this time!
[Daddy at Daycare]

Harley, of course, just listens because finding out if Manja's making friends here at GLoG is about half of the reason why they came here. (The other half, of course, being to make sure Manja knows they love her no matter what.)

The kitten, of course, felt like the first question was the important question and the second one wasn't that important at the time.
"Sometimes," Manja says. "Sometimes fun. Sometimes no."
That means maybe? she has friends?

[Treasure Hunting]

Almost as if directed by fate, a certain 2-year-old sneaks out of the daycare center at the same time Khannie mentions it. Not the first time she's done it.

Manja, said 2-year-old, is currently a kitten/small cat. Dull, solid pink eyes with a dim glow; white fur; a really fluffy tail; interesting ears with pink dots, pink tips, and gold rings floating around...

She notices kids heading towards the building she just escaped, and goes towards them. She mews at them to garner sympathy.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Keeper »

Main Cabin

”Well, yeah. Something big will probably happen. Besides just dragon things. I hope I don’t turn pink. He said Thamar are usually pink.” A truly terrible fate.
”But chances are something will pop up.” Being a holy dragon or something sounds like it ought to be eventful, right?
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Main Cabin]

"You got into PREP, of course something big will happen," Khannie insists. "People don't make it into prep for being boring."

Except that one kid.

Honestly Khannie can't even remember his name. His whole deal is being utterly normal and boring but still manages to do all sorts of amazing stuff. The world needs protagonists like that, too, of course. The kind without any special powers but still manage to be cool.

"And besides there's nothing wrong with pink. It's just a color."

One that Cheasadh really likes, as it happens.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Reinholdt »

[Daddy at Daycare]

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Reinholdt gives Manja affirmative and rewarding head pets. "I'm the same way. Sometimes people are fun, sometimes they're not. Except your mom, she's always fun." Reinholdt gives Harley a slightly teasing smile.

"Are any of the kids more fun to be with than others?" Reinholdt asks.
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Re: GLoG

Post by Hraithre »

[Sam's Cabin]
Ironsmith wrote: Nov 10, 2022 5:24 pm "Alto." Miranda gently corrects Danny. "Not 'the pale thing'. Use his name, okay? Unless you want him to start calling you 'the skinny kid'." She gives Danny's hair a playful ruffle and moves on up to Alto, kneeling in front of him so that she's at eye level.

"Hey, buddy. Are you all right? You look pretty spooked." She keeps her hands off of him for now, not quite able to recall if he's one of those kids that's okay with being touched or not, but keeps them on the floor in front of her in case it turns out he is. She's seen Alto react to ghosts before (sort of) and at this point thinks that, if he sees one that sends him scurrying under the bed like that, it must've been a pretty frightening phantom.
Alto's been jumping at shadows the whole Spooktober season. For someone who hadn't even seen their own reflection a while back, people dressing up as various ghouls and goblins was a bit much. Some of them being actual ghouls or goblins didn't help matters.

"Shhh! It might hear you", a frightened voice whimpers from under the bed, two orange eyes looking at Miranda. "C-can't tell if it's looking. It might. It might not. But if it hears you, it will look. It can look anywhere. That's why I hide."
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Re: GLoG

Post by Morty »

[Main Cabin]

"I don't think I would have made it to PREP if it had been available when I was a child." Sophie smiles, in an attempt to lighten the mood. "I was really boring back then. Maybe I still am. Regardless, if you need help dealing with whatever happens, our doors are open."

[Treasure Hunting]

Tuskfang enthusiastically heads for the daycare when he sees a kitten. Or... hmm.

"Is that you, Manja? Did you get out of the daycare again?"
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Re: GLoG

Post by Rebonack »

[Treasure Hunting]

A very UNUSUAL looking kitten.

Seeing Manja always causes Khannie to do a double-take. Why the heck does she look like one of the little white butt-gremlin's puppets? Khannie has no idea. She was never the sort of girl who would blow the things up on sight since that seemed petty and pointless but spotting them still makes her insides lurch. There's that moment of dread followed by 'oh it's just Manja'.

Khannie takes a deep breath and, "Hey, uh, Manja? We're going on a TREASURE HUNT you wanna come too?"

Manja's only like... what? Two years old? Not a baby or anything anymore. Old enough to be running around and getting into things. Definitely more adept at it since she's a small cat most of the time. Khannie's pretty sure she can keep an eye on a stark white thing. That should be easy.

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Re: GLoG

Post by Thursday Violist »

[Treasure Hunting]

Since her other scene here is the first time Manja has ever talked while in cat form, even now she still thinks it's better to just meow as a response if she doesn't need to speak. And she feels she can perfectly answer these questions without speaking.
So she just meows at Tuskfang as confirmation to what he asks (Yes! She did, now praise her for getting out), and runs up to him, to make it easier for him to praise her.
She goes to his leg, to rub along his leg and wrap her tail around for a few seconds.

The kitten then looks at Khannie, and, to answer Khannie's question, she nods.
She then runs up to headbutt Khannie's shin, to show how excited she is to do it.

[Daddy at Daycare]

Manja pushes back her head against his hand.
And then reaches up with her front paws to grab his hand and trap it.

And Harley laughs: "Your father's pretty fun, too." And she silently apologizes for not saying anything, because she's just finding the two of them together to be too cute.

Manja doesn't have to think much to answer this question! It's an easy one, and she hopes her father keeps on rewarding her even when she answers easy questions. "No, they're all the same," she says.
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