Dramatis Personae
Main Cast
Cassandra Lee: A hedge wizard, mercenary, and thief, with a taste for magical items.
Kal Blackthorn: A flamboyant knight errant with a dark history.
Recurring Guest Stars
Asterios: A half-minotaur, half-orc bartender who heads the bar at Bloodsong’s Oasis. Flirtatious, charming, and friendly, he’s considered a main attraction for anyone who likes their men big, furry, and approachable. Currently in an open marriage with Kyran Bloodsong.
Princess Yoonji Sky: A princess of 17, the heir-apparent of Skyside’s ruling dynasty, who remains yet uncrowned for political reasons. In a state of de facto house arrest due to an arrangement by the royal house with the other nobles and the most powerful megacorps, though she personally resents this arrangement, wishing to take a more active hand in bringing Skyside to the ‘right’ path. A burgeoning battlemech pilot, she believes strongly in the ‘traditional’ values of an active, knightly monarchy.
Lucien: The youngest son of Genevieve, a dark elf homunculus child of around 9. Enjoys the outdoors, music, and painting. Birthday: May 5th
Lux: The name of Brightstar’s highly advanced central AI, as well as a cybernetic biomechanical avatar that serves as Vix Brightstar’s personal assistant. LUX was developed after an advanced AI discovered in a memory core unearthed by Brightstar, determined to be a notorious AI malefactor that once terrorized the Nexus. Stripped of its aggressive tendencies, it was quickly adapted to operate Brightstar’s central mainframe, with derivatives making its way into the operating systems of Brightstar’s next generation computers. An additional biomechanical unit, taking the form of a attractive, androgynous human male was commissioned to serve as the Chief Executive’s personal assistant, giving her on-demand access to the mainframe’s advanced functions in a user-friendly, aesthetically-pleasing package.
Cyrus: An apprentice sorcerer, responsible for Cass being currently a mouse.
Dr. Vincenzo Graves: An enigmatic street doctor and warlock, encased in a strange eldritch life-support suit. In residence on Skyside. Known to provide medical care to almost anyone who walks into his clinic, often for no payment other than answers for a few questions. Those more knowledgeable in the matters of Skyside’s underworld know him to be a powerful information broker and fixer, particularly in Skyside’s magic markets.
Vix Brightstar: The acting CEO of Brightstar Technology, a rising star poised to inherit the massive corporate empire from her father, the aging and sickly Wolffe. Known to be a ruthless and cunning businesswoman, she infamously outmaneuvered and pushed aside her older brother, taking his place as heir apparent, and expanding Brightstar’s operations from aerospace and weapons manufacturing to high quality cybernetics, communications, and even breaking into biotechnology and magitech. In contrast to her famously ascetic father, Vix has quickly become notorious for her lavish galas and appreciation for beauty and luxury.
Yasril Xar'cha: A young drow woman, the eldest daughter of the current Matron Mother Danube. Conceived as a result of a demonic pact, due to the Mother’s infertility, Yasril was born intersex, with male genitals and a natural affinity with Arcane magic, a traditionally masculine talent among drow, making her an abomination in the rigidly sex-based matriarchy of Menzoberranzen. She is being raised in secret by Sornnulu, where she has discovered a startling affinity for blood magic, perhaps owing to her demonic origins.
Zero: A cyborg mercenary in residence in Skyside. Once a member of Skyside’s Royal Guard, but his politically recidivist views saw him dissatisfied with the largely ceremonial position. Considering the Royal Guard to be little more than parade ornaments, he quickly brought his skills to the freelance market. Friend and frequent collaborator with Nocturne. Possesses cybernetic legs, eyes, and left arm. An oddity among mercenaries, he completely eschews guns and other ranged weaponry for a personalized sword made of a hyperdense alloy, preferring the personal touch of melee combat. With his advanced cybernetic enhancements and reflex software he’s able to move fast enough to deflect bullets, though he chooses to fight completely without enhancement for those respectful enough to engage him hand to hand.
Aelfisborough and Cass' Tower: The lakeside farming village of Aelfisborough, as well as its nearby wizard tower, currently home to one Cass Elegast.