The Good League of Good is a Nexus organization devoted to the care and support of those in need, a sanctuary for those that need it, and the redemption of evildoers. The organization strives to make the campsite a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
If you are brand new to FFRP, please come to the Nexus OoC thread and introduce yourself. We all want to meet you! :smallsmile:
GLoG's Programs
Charitable Activities
GLoG's primary purpose as an organization is to perform good works such as caring for distressed individuals in need, housing and feeding evacuees from the cities during disasters, and healing sick and injured people in GLoG's infirmary–renowned as the most advanced place of healing in the Nexus. All full members are expected to take part in some portion of these activities.
Child Care
Branching out from Sapling cabin, a child care and babysitting facility is run at GLoG. First and foremost, priority and free care is provided to children in need, whether they be from from downtrodden families or visitors from orphanages in the cities. No less fortunate child will be turned away. Beyond that there is room for other children, at a typical daycare cost of which all profits go right back into GLoG's programs. The facility is run by a combination of volunteers and employees.
Our Redemption Program
No soul is too far gone to do some good in the world, and this program is for those that want to make up for their past misdeeds and do just that. It's a voluntary program initiated by the redeemee themself. Individuals who come in search of redemption should be interviewed by a senior member to see how their needs can be best met, and then assigned to a mentor who will assist them. Graduation from the redemption program will occur when both the redeemee and his/her mentor agree that they have made sufficient progress.
► Attention Villains
Conflict is great! It's the heart of any story. However, as a player to player courtesy, please check in with the players who are active at any given time before launching an attack. Not everyone wants to roleplay combat scenes, and sometimes there are
other things going on that players don't want to interrupt for a random fight. Either a PM/IM to players, a short post in thread to say, "Mind if I introduce a villain here?" or a longer post in the OOC thread if it's a larger plot is appreciated.
Also, please don't plan any villainy that will result in destroying the base or having the same effect (poisoning the lake, burning down the forest, etc.) without the consent of the majority of the players who would be affected.
► Base Defences
The GLoG campsite is now under the effects of the spell Plaza of Downcast Eyes. Almost all teleportation and scrying spells are blocked.
A Spirit Charm has been placed on the GLoG grounds. A number of willing spirits serve to protect the grounds. See the NPCs section for more information.
If any of your characters add more defences, please PM them to Gullara so they can be added.
If you're a newbie, and you've read this far, you should know enough to join in the fun.
Everything beyond this point is Bonus Material.
After the original GLoG building was destroyed by an army of catpeople, the survivors took out a mortgage and purchased the Phoenix Lake Campground. Entering the campground by the main road leads to a small plaza ringed by the lodge, infirmary, and nursery, along with a parking area and stable. Past that, the camp gives way to nature a bit more with scattered cabins in a rough crescent around the lake. At the lake, there is a small dock with a little shed nearby where a few canoes and paddle boats are stored. The swimming area has a GIANT slide and a rope swing. Because GIANT slides and rope swings are awesome. :smallbiggrin: There is a sandy volleyball court not far from the slide, a large playground under the trees, set back from the lake somewhat, and a set of horseshoe pits.
It's all set in the foothills of the Acro mountains, and mainly surrounded by woods. There are many hiking trails nearby leading to mountaintop vistas, waterfalls, sea coves, and various other locations, both within this thread, and in the Outside thread. The campground is also within easy walking distance of the city of Inside, though there is also a Riftline station just outside the campground for those who prefer to take the train or who have further to go.
All members are encouraged to take initiative in acting out the org's stated goals, and to help anyone who needs it. However, when looking for a higher authority to consult with, Reelshka
Morty acts as the head administrator.
► Buildings
Main Lodge: The large stone structure of the main lodge is one of the first visitors will see when entering the camp. The entrance area is heated by a large fireplace and has an array of comfortable seating. Through a wide entrance is the communal industrial kitchen and the cafeteria style dining hall. Offices for administration purposes can be used for paperwork and meetings. An entrance to the cellar can be found toward the back of the structure.
Infirmary: From the outside the Infirmary looks like a large version of the cozy cabins scattered throughout the campground. On the inside, it's a very clean environment, all white and silver. Even so, the place has a warm feeling. Natural light filters in from above and soft, soothing music filters through the whole building. Voices can barely be heard saying words of healing and comfort. There are no enclosed rooms, but each bed is separated by walls at a severe enough angle to give a semblance of privacy.
If no PC is present in the Infirmary, patients are tended to by Nurse Piper, a ghost NPC who haunts the infirmary. She has a tyrannical bedside manner, but will always put the welfare of her patients first. She is able to generally stabilize patients and do general nursing care, but cannot provide magical healing or any type of advanced medicine. A few Drones can serve a similar, if lesser, purpose.
Daycare Facility: Having started with just Sapling cabin, the nursery has been expanded to meet the needs of the camp's child care facility, which is run by Sakura
Gullara and Reelshka
Morty. Among the buildings there are play areas for all different ages, sleeping spaces both communal and private, and a dining area. Nearby there are a few outdoor play areas. A huge jungle gym stands next to a cement pad for sports, and behind both of those a grassy area is kept clear for other activities.
Cabins: Individuals can have their own room within a cabin, but they are unlikely to have a full cabin to themselves unless they come equipped with a family. Some of the cabins have been rebuilt, and may have more space than the four room cabins the campground came with, and a few cabins have had private bathrooms installed. All cabins are named after trees, and players are free to invent further details about their own cabins.
► Cabin List
The following cabins are defined and occupied by at least one person. Feel free to move into one of these or define a new one (with a tree name). Just be aware that anyone moving into these will have cabinmates. PM Gullara to add a new cabin to the list.
- Oak
- Ash
- Redwood
- Cherry
- Elm
- Birch
- Ironoak
- Maple
- Balsa
- Evergreen
- Rowan
- Poplar
The bolded cabins are at full occupancy.
Apple, the Visitor's Cabin, is reserved for visitors. They are requested to check in at the main lodge, where any member can give them permission to stay for a few days. Longer than that, unless they are in need, they will be requested to either join or find a living space elsewhere.
Bathhouse: This building is divided into the men's and women's bathhouses, with entrances at either end. It has shower stalls, a line of sinks, and toilet stalls in each.
Workshop: A well built cabin designed by Reelshka
Morty, containing nothing at present but the Mainframe installation. It always remains locked. Drones fly in and out of a small entrance that opens for them when they send an encrypted signal.
► NPCs
The Drones Mk 2
The drones are back at GLoG. Drones are NPCs who can be played by anyone, within the guidelines below:
- Their Primary Function is member safety.
- They do have stun beams, little arms, and the ability to record what's going on around them.
- They follow orders from GLoG members, unless those orders conflict with their Primary Function.
- There are only four to five in operation at any one time.
- They can be destroyed, but if so they'll be restored from backup at the Workshop.
- A few have been supplied with medical programming, and thus can perform infirmary duties.
- They often have weird personality quirks and are prone to malfunctioning.
- Statement: They speak in DarkOrange FixedSys
The Spirits
Recently in the history of GLoG, a protective charm has been placed over the GLoG grounds. The shaman Pathfinder
UncleWolf bid all the willing spirits that perished in and around GLoG to protect the grounds from those that would wish to do it and its inhabitants harm.
The Ghosts
Having been built on a generic-ancient-burial-ground, Phoenix Lake Campground is haunted by various ghosts. They are generally harmless and for the most part glad to have some company, though pranks and hijinks may occur. Ghosts can be made up on the spot and NPC'd by anyone. They tend to speak in
Gray and mostly appear for comic purposes, but this is by no means a requirement.
This thread is managed by Gullara. Please contact me for updates to the OP.