Skyside Prime

Locales found within the main city centers; primarily Inside, Riverside, and Skyside.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Keeper »

Cloudshark Casino

Mina nods and takes the chip. "It's no problem, but you're welcome." Mina doesn't have a job so she does need to take income where she can. Sai's mansion doesn't pay for its own maintenance (except the parts that do because he's magic).
This does pose the slight issue that she'll have to cash it while in her superhero identity or it ruins the already paper-thin veil of her secret identity, but that shouldn't be a huge deal.

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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by [brackets lover] »

[Cloudtop Heist]

Mogzoku notes the directions provided, visualizing them in his mind. However, the last thing of note gave him pause. He waves a finger behind him and tilts his head back as he's halfway through the vent. "Dunno 'bout system resets, kupo."

Regardless of if he's given further instruction or told to 'wing' it, he'd proceed the way he's told, gently moving on and feeling around for the other pathes.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Morty »

[Cloudshark Casino]

"Always good to be appreciated." The orc grins toothily as he accepts the chip and then turns to Mina. "So, you're one of them superheroes? I've heard this city has a fair few."
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Gullara »

Shadowcaller wrote: Nov 05, 2023 8:28 pm [Lake]

"Not too unlike my own approach to things then." Well, most things. "Though speaking from experience there I can tell you that things have still gone sideways more than once." The corners of the dragons mouth turn into what seems to be an attempt at a smile. Or she is at least trying to mimic the way humans smile to the best of her ability.

"But at the same time I don't really want to tell another mother-to-be to worry more. Since I believe that's already in the job description."

"I'll leave the worrying to closer to my due date, in any case." Utayo concludes. She looks to the side surreptitiously and then suggests. "I think perhaps it might be time to go back inside, though. I think we've let time get away from us." She smiles slightly.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Reinholdt »

[Cloudtop Heist]

"Well the more unobtainable something is, the more people want it," Reinholdt says, hopping up upon the box to sit on the edge. "It's smart to put enlightenment and satisfaction behind a paywall. Doubles even to convince people that they don't have either already given they haven't paid for it yet." After that, the cult just kind of builds itself and the profits roll in.

At least until people start realizing what they're getting isn't what they've been promised. Then things start to fall apart, people escape, investigations start, and consequences come due.

Reinholdt frowns at Mogzoku. They all could have prepared for this more it seems. Rein'll have to start playing those driving simulator games. Wild Taxi or something like that. "Look at the back of the mega computer and find a little hole labeled reset and then push a pen into it and hold it for five seconds." Rein guesses.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by quillpleasant »

Cloudtop Heist

Reinholdt seems to have the right idea, as Atya is nodding along to his musings on the cult. "Right. Convince people that everything bad in their life can be fixed, and there's only one way to do it. Then put that shit behind a paywall." She puts a hand to her stomach subconsciously. "And if they can't afford it, tell them they can just... volunteer instead."

As Mogzoku clambers into the tunnel, Atya calls up to him. "You've got the walkie talkie, yeah? I'll walk you through it, easy as anything." Or at least, she hopes. But worst case scenario, they can just start blowing stuff up. That's a pretty good fallback plan.

Stowing the blueprints in her pack, Atya beckons to Reinholdt. "Alright, let's go. We've got to get to the gate so we're there when he opens it. Oh, and I'd appreciate the chemical thrower back now." It might be a little conspicuous, but now that they're in the lion's den it would do wonders for her confidence.

Meanwhile, Mogzoku will find that the vents widen after the entrance, and for someone his size it's not too cramped at all. He can't stand straight, but there's at least room to turn around. Unless he can see in the dark, it swiftly become pitch black past the entrance. And there's definitely some spiders living in here. But based on the wall feel, it does seem to follow the same layout as Atya's blueprint, with right tunnels leading off around every fifteen feet.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Shadowcaller »


"Hm. Yes." The dragon concludes, her head starting to raise from its resting position. Her massive serpentine body starting to move all around Utayo and Ugi.

"It was nice to... talk. To spread my wings." She remarks as uncoiling her body is a bit of a process. "You have no idea how confide I feel being in a human body for such a long time." Her wings spread out, casting Utayo and Ugi in the shade.
But while moving such a massive body might take time it probably doesn't have to be so slow and deliberate. As if there's some other purpose to it.

Up, up and up.
Ambrosia just continues to raise before the moonfolk until she seems to be at her full length. In fact, she seems to be even larger than she was a few moments ago. "But get up on my back then. We'll use the cloud cover once more and return to the city." She remarks, her reptilian eyes staring down at Utayo. "Oh, and in this form I prefer to use the name Megeshi. But you can still call me Ambrosia if you like. I feel you've earned the privilege."
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by [brackets lover] »

[Cloudtop Heist]

Mogzoku scratches his chin as Atya brings up the walkie-talkie, which his writer had forgotten about. Regardless, logic dictates that he would've taken it with him into the vents. The prospect of spiders elicit no fear from Mogzoku, but he would try not to harm any that he may come across. And as it really was pitch black, he'd have to proceed a little more carefully.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Reinholdt »

[Cloudtop Heist]

Reinholdt tilts his head a little as Atya touches her stomach. Nausea or... regret? It sounds like it cuts deep if children were involved, but Rein would be a poor gentleman to pry right now. Granted, in the middle of a high stakes situation is the best time for a heart to heart, if any action movie is to be believed. So he'll have to at least wait until they're getting shot at or some timer is ticking down.

When Atya asks for her chemical thrower back, Rein hesitates. "Now? You sure?" It seems a little early with more hallways to traverse, but they were inside at least. If she confirms, then Reinholdt will get it out of his hammerspace, finding it just as difficult to pull out as it was to put in. Handing it over, he makes to shove the box in the doorway to one side, inconspicuously going to a corner. Must not have been break time for anyone, thankfully. Then again, scientists are notoriously bad at taking breaks when they should.

"Right then, lead the way." Rein will open the door for Atya once she has her thrower strapped comfortably on her back. He's doing what he can to memorize where they've been and the hallways that split off each room and intersection, but Atya has the best understanding of where they're going.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Keeper »

Morty wrote: Nov 10, 2023 12:02 am [Cloudshark Casino]

"Always good to be appreciated." The orc grins toothily as he accepts the chip and then turns to Mina. "So, you're one of them superheroes? I've heard this city has a fair few."
Cloudshark Casino

Mina shrugs, her blindfold hiding her expression a little.
"I'm Tempest. I just do what I can, really. And I admit in this city the morality of everything is sketchy enough that I'm not going to call myself the H-word. But I try." There's a lot of moral quandaries about heroics in a city with so few laws.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by quillpleasant »

Cloudtop Heist - Vents

As Mogzoku makes his way carefully through the vents, he can hear faint sounds echoing through them. Distant thumping, a screech of metal, and voices just out of the range of hearing. It seems like a good amount of the building can be accessed through here, at least on this floor.

However, assuming that he follows Atya's directions, he soon comes up on a downward slope into darkness, the floor yawning suddenly beneath his feet. This must be the access to the lower floor that she mentioned. A little bit further around the corner and-

A ventilation grill. White flluorescent light can be seen through it, and here the voices are clearer.

"Nah dude I'm telling you, they're worth it just for Milla Jovovich. Like, her character is so badass, and then in the fourth one she makes an army of clones-"
"She's not even in the games! It's stupid! I can't even listen to this, you're an idiot."

There's clearly at least two people in the room below. That could be a problem.

Cloudtop Heist - Hallways

"Yeah, I'm sure. I don't want to be caught without it in a fight," says Atya brusquely. Frankly, being in this place without firepower at her fingertips is making her quite uneasy. And the further in they get, the less likely that they'll be able to talk their way out of conflict. Once Reinholdt hands it over she shoulders it, spinning the dial into place with a click and readying the valve. Yes, that's much better. She smiles gratefully at him.

"Alright, we'll want to move fast so we're there when Goemog opens the door. I'll lead the way, keep an eye out," she says, stepping out into the corridor. She looks both ways before beckoning Reinholdt to follow her and hurrying off down the corridor.

A left turn brings them down a long hallway lined with adjoining rooms. It looks like the patient wing of a hospital, but it's strangely abandoned, with no sound or movement. Despite Atya's attempts at stealth, her footsteps squeak on the shiny linoleum floor.

Then they're turning into a waiting room area, with a service counter surrounded by cheap plastic plants. Just beyond is a stairwell door, visible as such due to the red wall plaque beside it. Unfortunately, there's someone at the desk, a bored looking young man in blue scrubs and prematurely thinned hair. He looks up from his phone with a start as the two approach.

"Oh, hello! Uh, can I help you?" He doesn't seem immediately suspicious, just surprised at seeing anyone at all.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by [brackets lover] »

[Cloudtop Heist - Vents]

Overhearing the two people, Mogzoku remains just a few inches away from the grill, so as to not be visible in case anyone looked too closely. He'd try and get as much of a glimpse in the room below as possible.

For the moment, he lets the two continue to argue, judging whether or not their tomfoolery provides him with an opportunity.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Gullara »


"Of course, Ambrosia. I'm glad you've enjoyed my company. We'll have to talk like this again soon." Utayo says with a short bow of her head and a contented smile. Then she lifts from the ground and positions herself atop the dragon again. She fusses with the baby for a moment to make sure he's secure, and then, "I'm ready."
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Reinholdt »

[Cloudtop Heist - Hallways]

The first movie was really good and you watched the rest to see where the train wreck went.

"Sure, sure." The general lack of personnel in the hallways is concerning, but not necessarily a bad thing. Could just be work hours. Thorough lab experiments. Gotta watch those, not run around in the halls. Rein isn't hearing any alarms so nothing to it but to keep going.

"Yeah, absolutely," Reinholdt tells the man behind the counter. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tranq gun, firing a dart at the man's chest, looking to down him quickly. Doesn't hurt that if they can leave him here without a dart in his chest it'll just look like he fell asleep on the job and buy them at least a few extra precious seconds.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by quillpleasant »

Cloudtop Heist - Vents

From Mogzoku's vantage point, he can see about half of the room below. It seems to be a control area, with two walls dominated by built in computer monitors, buttons, and switches. One large chunk of the wall is a series of video feeds, presumably other places in the building. Although it's too far away to see too much detail, most of the feeds seem to show cells, with people laying down or pacing around the confined space.

Only one person is visible, a man in a white uniform sitting on an office chair in front of the computers. He's talking to someone who sounds just out of range of Mogzoku's vision.

"I mean, you at least have to admit that the laser scene was cool, even though it wasn't in the game," he's saying, swinging his chair back and forth.

"I don't have to admit anythin- oh hey, check out C6, she's awake."

The man in the chair swivels around, peering at one of the video feeds. "Oh shit, you're right. Controlled shock time." He taps a button on the console, and one of the videos glows with staticy light. There's a chuckle from the man out of view.

"Nice one Graham. Say, are you able to make it to that potluck on Thursday? My wife is making her ham and jello salad."

Cloudtop Heist - Hallways

The man's eyes go wide as he stares stupidly down at the dart sticking out of his chest. His eyes start to flutter, and he reaches under the desk before collapsing face first, his phone dropping to the floor with a thump.

No alarm goes off, and all is silent. Atya darts behind the desk and then pops up, eyes narrowed.

"There's a button down there, but I can't tell if he was able to press it or not. We should assume he did, and hurry." However, she will wait for Rein to collect his dart before they head for the stairs.

"So do you make your own poisons, or get them wholesale?" she asks, half joking half curious. Since subtlety isn't her strong suit, she can appreciate those who are good at it.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by [brackets lover] »

[Cloudtop Heist - Vents]

Mogzoku winces as he overhears the security guards' delight, gritting his teeth in anger. Taking a second to calm down, he moves back an inch and rests on his belly.

He concentrates deeply before letting out a loud, high-pitched whistle, perfectly replicated the whistling sound of a vent with improper air flow.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Morty »

[Cloudshark Casino]

"Name's Andrey. I don't consider myself a hero because I don't try to be one. But this fight was fun and you carried yourself well in it. That merits a drink, if you fancy one." He gestures to the casino's bar.
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Re: Skyside Prime

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Cloudtop Heist - Vents

"Uh... yeah, jello salad. Cool. You know, I'm actually gonna be busy. Jeremy's got a piano recital," says the man at the desk, clearly making up an excuse not to go.

"No shit? He's really growing up fast. I remember when- hey, what's that?"

The guards look around for the source of the whistling sound, the second one stepping into view. Clearly the senior of the two, he's a grizzled man with a patchy beard. It doesn't take long before he's pointing up at the vent.

"Air conditioning is on the fritz again. Gimme your chair, I can check it for blockages." The younger guard reluctantly pushes over his swivel chair and the older one clambers atop it, reaching up to fumble at the grate.

"Damn thing's on tight." His head is just a little below the level of the grate as he wrenches it open, feeling around blindly inside.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by [brackets lover] »

[Cloudtop Heist - Vents]

Mogzoku drew his knife and steadied himself in waiting, keeping up the whistling and avoiding getting caught as the guard's hand comes through the grate. With both hands on the knife, Mogzoku attempts to stab straight through the guard's hand as deeply as he can. If possible, he'd try to pin the knife through the vent, though if he couldn't pull that off before the enemy responds, he'd try for a split second to pull the knife out or ultimately leaving it to the enemy.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Keeper »

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"Tempest." Mina replies, giving her cape name.
"But I don't really like to get too cozy after making an appearance. My disguise isn't exactly elaborate and I don't want to make everything too obvious by sticking around for too long." Yeah her disguise is kind of just...a blindfold that she can see through. The only reason she has a secret identity is mostly by people not actually caring. And magic.
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Re: Skyside Prime

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Cloudtop Heist - Vents

The guard's movements are clumsy, and it's easy to pick an opening when his hand is flat against the vent. Mogzoku's knife pierces hand and vent, pinning him like a very ugly butterfly. A very loud ugly butterfly, as the attack elicits a howl of pain.

"AHHHH! Something's got me!" The guard yells and beats at the vent ineffectively with his other hand, the chair rocking precariously under him. Below, the younger guard yelps in surprise, rushing over to grab onto his belt and try to tug him down.

Despite the protruding knife blade, neither has caught on to what exactly has happened, or Mogzoku's presence. However, the guard's weight is making the vent groan, and it could be ripped out of the wall if they're allowed to yank on it for too long.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Reinholdt »

[Cloudtop Heist - Hallways]

Reinholdt tsks. "There's always a button. Damn." Rein's just upset because he's not the one who got to push it (or not).

He'll remain focused though and get the dart. While he's back there, he'll make sure the man is positioned so he looks like he just nodded off. Finally Rein will turn off the phone the guy was using and slide it under the desk completely out of sight. Just in case he was talking to anyone. They might get suspicious after a few minutes but they can't prove anything, those online girlfriends from Inside!

Those moments taken and used, Reinholdt hurries after Atya. "You move so well with that heavy load on your back. Can't imagine how." It's wild. But Rein enjoys stealing a glance now and then. "Afraid that's where most of my money goes. Random ass supplies for adventuring. Never enough, so I always buy more when I get the chance. Can't say I have any knowledge of how things mix. Well, outside of people that is."
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Re: Skyside Prime

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Cloudtop Heist - Hallways

The man was indeed using some kind of messaging app, orange and black in color, but it's unlikely to be an issue since the conversation seems quite one sided. Atya watches approvingly at the efficiency with which Reinholdt cleans up the scene. It's helpful to have someone with espionage experience on the team.

She grins at the compliment. "I have strong back muscles. And I'm good at handling big loads." This is followed, of course, by a wink. "I have a supplier I get a lot of my chemicals from, so lemme know if you ever need a discount, I can hook you up." First rule of success: Always network. Even when you're in the middle of a dangerous heist.

But now it's time to venture into the stairwell. Atya opens the door and glances up and down, listening for the sound of footsteps. Satisfied, she beckons Reinholdt to follow before heading down, moving as quickly as she can while maintaining an attempt at stealth.

It's down two flights of echoing concrete before she pushes open another door. Now they're in a hallway lit with harsh white light, the aggressive humming of the florescent bulbs overhead the only sound. There's an extremely unappealing scent in the air, like something rotten was covered up by bleach and cheap air freshener.

Atya points down the hall, to where there's a secured checkpoint. A door, several massive iron bolts in front of it, stands between two security rooms with windows that look out on the hallway, although the righthand room is dark. A yellow light over the door slowly rotates in place, and a conveyor belt feeds into the left security station, through which muffled yelling can be heard.

What's more concerning are the floor mounted machine turrets that stand on either side of the door. Sleek black barrels are supported on fully rotating titanium frames, allowing them to swivel and shoot in any direction. A frontal assault seems infeasible without neutralizing these in some way.

"Now we just have to wait for Goemog to open the door," says Atya with forced confidence. From down the hallway in the other direction drifts a distant screaming noise. A victim, or something worse?
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Reinholdt »

[Cloudtop Heist - Hallways]

"Ah-hah... that you do," Reinholdt says, a blush creeping into his cheeks. He doesn't even clarify which part he's agreeing with. "Sure I suppose. I won't turn down a discount." There are few things Rein ever turns down.

Rein's nose wrinkles at the thick, uncomfortable smell, only made worse by the annoying hum of the lights. Would it kill them to invest in scented candles instead of torture? Perhaps everyone who comes into these halls is a test subject, determining the limits of people's patience.

He crouches down a little to keep a low target. Approaching with those turrets online was just out of the picture. "Maybe we ride the conveyer belt instead of going through the door?" Surely there wouldn't be any radioactive consequences to that.

His head turns at the scream and Reinholdt winces at the obligation keeping him here. "I guess we're not checking that out." It would be too distracting and only raise alerts probably. "Normally I'd suggest making out while we wait." Adrenaline's pumping and it's gotta go somewhere. But it would mean not keeping an eye out for problems, so Rein focuses on watching their backs for now.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Rebonack »

[A Golden Age of Villainy]

"Yes, haha, flee! FLEE!" cackles The Jay-Walker, who in spite of his name is actually flying right now thanks to his blue bird-themed suit. Civilians are, in fact, fleeing at the moment.

Nearby Doctor Ivan Gore is setting up the finishing touches on his ELECTRICITY STEALING MACHINE, set up rather conspicuously next to one of the city's power stations. Numerous cables run from the machine into the station and atop the machine stands a large glass bulb surrounded by a multitude of color coded levers. "Could you try to keep it down? This is delicate work," the mad scientist says, adjusting his heavy safety goggles.

"What are you worried about, anyway?" demands The Pernicious Pinwheel from where he hovers nearby,the giant pinwheels on his back whirring rhythmically. "Captain Catastrophe and Princess Purrloin are covering the ground and Jay and I have the air covered. If any super rubes try to stop us they'll be blown away in seconds! Nothing will stop us from STEALING ALL OF SKYSIDE'S ELECTRICITY!"

Oh no!

Not all the electricity!

That could have devastating effects.

Who could possibly stop these vainglorious and vicious villains in time?
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Halae »

[A Golden Age of Villainy]

And the first such 'super rube' shows up, landing on the lip of a nearby building to survey the situation! ... Oh, wow, she's huge.

Emily, our snaggle-toothed giant crocodile woman, stands 9'6" at the hunched shoulders, and is about sixteen feet long. Dressed in her combat gear she's ready to go. Immediately she'll start making her way towards the villains. Though, it seems she's detected how incredibly hammy the villains are, because she launches into some ham of her own!

Halae#9979 on Discord if you need me. I'm forgetful, so don't be afraid to ping me asking me to get to posting.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by [brackets lover] »

[Cloudtop Heist - Vents]

Mogzoku is caught off guard by the guards' sheer incompetence, stunned for a moment as they struggle. Thinking quickly, he sharply pulls the knife out, attempting to mimic the bite of a wild animal. To create the image of some terrifying monster crawling around in the vents, Mogzoku starts banging his knife around against the floor as he moves back. He was hoping that would be enough to scare them off without having to fatally wound them.

[A Golden Age of Villainy]

Notorious robin hood figure, Goemog, had been in the area. Being as elusive as he is, his intents for being in the city were unclear, but the assumption that he just recently finishing or was in the process of pulling off a heist was a common one, if one even knew who he was.

As the crowd of civilians starts fleeing, Goemog wades through the crowd, ending up with a few dozen wallets when the last of them pass through him. He places the goods in his inventory, looking ahead to see the commotion going on. He walks ahead to meet the two ground villains, completely unphased. "Yo, what's bad, guys? Never seen you around before. You a new team or something, kupo?" He asks casually, giving a warm smile.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Shadowcaller »

Gullara wrote: Nov 17, 2023 3:20 am [Lake]

"Of course, Ambrosia. I'm glad you've enjoyed my company. We'll have to talk like this again soon." Utayo says with a short bow of her head and a contented smile. Then she lifts from the ground and positions herself atop the dragon again. She fusses with the baby for a moment to make sure he's secure, and then, "I'm ready."

The dragon only needed those words, taking off in a matter of seconds. She slows down as they're approaching the city however, large black clouds once more gathering to hide their presence. Yet Ambrosia herself doesn't seem to have any trouble navigating through them as she soon lands on top of Utayo's apartment building. Her size now a bit more convenient for such a landing.

The dragon have to shrink down even further, seemingly to her dismay, to fit into the elevator down to the moon folks apartment however. Which is where she can finally reunite with her human body which is still sitting there, meditating.

Which is what she will leave the building in with Ugi in her arms, bidding Utayo farewell with a bow and a easy smile.
But on her way out of the city her head was heavy with thoughts however. Things had just gotten more complicated since she knew that she would visit the moonfolk again sooner rather than later.
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by Gold »

[A Golden Age of Villainy]

High above the city streets, a lone robotic ninja leaps skilfully from building to building. He jumps between walls almost as if it were flight, not stopping until he notices the power station down below.

Overhearing the grandiose chatter about stealing electricity, the light gray robot slides down a wall and hops down to the ground where he begins walking towards the congregation of villains, ignoring the fleeing civilians behind him. From the stiff way he walks, it's clear he's irritated about something.

TANBot angrily accosts the gaggle of goons inhabiting the power station. "Hey! Are you goobers responsible for the power cut I got in the middle of my rank-up match? I was about to hit Platinum!" he shouts, pointing aggessively at the frontmost villain.
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"You monster!" -Gold Elemental - The Order of the Stick
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Re: Skyside Prime

Post by quillpleasant »

Cloudtop Heist - Vents

Since the knife is the only thing keeping the guard upright, the moment it's removed he falls backwards, on top of the younger man who was pulling him down. They collapse in a heap, yelling and cursing. Blood from the knife wound spatters the console behind them.

Getting shakily to his feet, the wounded guard stuffs his hand under his opposite armpit in order to slow the bleeding. "Goddamn 12 and her goddamn experiments. I said that using rats was a mistake!" he bellows, sweat dripping from his brow. The younger guard is also standing up, a little woozily as he had hit the ground hard.

"I need to go to the infirmary to get this repaired. You, stay here, and don't take your eyes off that vent for a second!" instructs his superior, glaring up at Mogzoku's hiding place. "If one of 12's little pets shows its ugly mug, blow it apart!" Cursing under his breath, he stumbles out of view, and there's the sound of a door being opened and closed.

Now alone in the room with nothing but blood and a suspicious vent for company, the younger guard pulls out a heavy looking revolver from his belt and trains it at the opening, hands shaking just a little. Without taking his eyes off it, he rights the swivel chair and pulls it over to sit on.

Cloudtop Heist - Hallways

The conveyor belt is definitely an option. Designed for equipment or personal belongings to pass through separately from the doors, it's just barely big enough for human sized individuals to squeezed through. However, the turrets would likely turn on if the belt was approached, same as the door.

"Hopefully the moogle will be deactivating everything soon and then we won't need to worry about it," says Atya, trying to be positive. But she's clearly a little nervous about time, and the plan relies on Mogzoku being reliable. For all she knows, he got lost in the vents somewhere.

At Reinholdt's suggestion Atya bites her lip in amusement. "Anywhere but here, I'd take you up on that offer," she says, glad for the distraction from how tense she is. Rummaging through her bag, she pulls out a thick metal tube, which she begins to screw on to the end of her chemical thrower.

"If he doesn't open the doors soon, I can use this to lob a sticky grenade at the turrets, and hopefully that-" she begins, before being cut off by another screaming sound. It's closer, and it definitely doesn't sound like a human from this distance.

Further down the flickering hallway, there's something moving. It's long, and low to the ground, slithering forward in a snakelike manner. As it pauses to lift itself up and scream again, it can be seen more clearly that it resembles a giant, hairless rat, with a long flexible body supported by dozens of tiny rat legs. It's like a ten foot long rodent centipede. And the duo is caught about halfway between it and the turrets.

"What the fuck!" hisses Atya, working feverishly to attach her grenade launcher as the rodentipede lowers itself and begins to scuttle forward once more.
horses can attack and eat me
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