Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Personal homes and private lots.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Ironsmith »

[Butterfly Bay]

"I'm not an invalid, I can stand up myself!" Kyrie rumbles, attempting to prove his point by doing just that, only to drunkenly stumble into Codebreaker's waiting arms.

That was a fluke, clearly. If he really tried, Kyrie could probably find his feet again and walk out of the bar like nothing's wrong.

But... now that he's here, there doesn't seem to be much incentive for trying. Codebreaker's got him. And... there's not exactly any shame in leaning on a friend for help, right? He's fine with Codebreaker leaning on him (metaphorically; a literal interpretation might prove fatal), why isn't he giving himself that same leeway?

...Codebreaker's got him. Maybe... maybe he should just let himself be carried. The wolfen can be trusted, and... gods, Kyrie hasn't properly rested in Absum only knows how long.

Codebreaker will find that Kyrie, absent attempts to stand up on his own, is surprisingly heavy. But doable, thanks to Codebreaker's own training.
Who're you? ...Don't matter.

Want some rye? Course ya do!

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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Butterfly Bay

Well. Kyrie can lean at least. CB is willing to help with that. Actually carrying him is likely beyond his abilities. He's built like a refrigerator, not a construction vehicle.
Still, Kyrie has a strong, warm friend to support him. His coat really is immaculate. Maybe he can even endure the ever-present smell of CB's overused shampoo.

CB gives the other folks an apologetic smile and gets Kyrie on the road back to his own place.
"You know, I stand by what I said earlier that I think Absum should let you have something to show for all the training we did. But I think in times like these it's useful that I'm the bigger one here." If Kyrie was almost the size of him this would be a lot harder.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Ironsmith »

[Butterfly Bay]

Seconded, Kyrie thinks to himself but doesn't actually say out loud. Half-asleep as he is, he finds the more pleasant aspects of this situation sort of exaggerated, from a sensory standpoint. Sure, he'd normally notice that CB has a soft, clean coat, but he wouldn't be tempted to think of it as being like a blanket he just carries with him everywhere. And he's noticed the smell before (how could he not?), but it doesn't normally conveniently drown out the stink of alcohol and wolf vomit, nor does it provide a pleasant backdrop when he's this close to falling asleep. And obviously, he's noticed that Codebreaker is strong, but not in such a comforting...

That's about where the last bit of lucidity fades out. Codebreaker now finds himself in possession of an unconscious, very much drunk strigoi.
Who're you? ...Don't matter.

Want some rye? Course ya do!

Here's to us!
Who's like us?
Damn few,
And they're aaaaall dead.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Butterfly Bay

Codebreaker groans as Kyrie's considerable weight is dumped into his arms.
The next hour is...honestly rather agonizing. CB is strong, not herculean. And he has NO idea how someone Kyrie's size could pass out after TWO beers. Two! He could take that much when he was a hundred-forty pound high schooler! Not much more mind you but still.

After a long, LONG time of dragging Kyrie to the house, in which time the strigoi is STILL not awake, CB decides that he ought to try to get the guy presentable. After all, he kind of got puke all over both of them. CB also asked Absum to send him a sign if Kyrie's life was actually in danger, which he did not get, so he's not especially worried that he's unconscious for so long.

Ugh, he really does stink though. Vampire puke smells awful. And Kyrie always kind of smells. Well, that's enough of that. Off go their clothes. Kyrie isn't awake to protest. He is then put through CB's rigorous bathing accomodations, including his fancy barber system.

Would Kyrie be annoyed at this? Certainly. But Kyrie also pays his debts, and he owes CB one for dragging his oversized butt all the way here. So CB nods and considers this payment as he loads up the barber with Citrus Wave Shampoo (for thick-coated gentlemen).
And then promptly falls asleep during the long, long process as he waits outside.

Kyrie will awaken several hours later, almost naked in Codebreaker's bathroom as a new, much cleaner wolf!
A very fluffy bathrobe sits on a hook ready for him. It is conspicuously one of CB's robes from before his size increase. The man himself is asleep on a seat outside, ALSO not in the most modest state of dress.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Ironsmith »

[Butterfly Bay]

The whole "paying debts" thing really works a lot better if he's awake enough to acknowledge the debt.

As it is, Kyrie will awaken to find himself in a... peculiar position. Not just in the sense that he's... underdressed, to put it simply. That's happened before, although the context was usually a bit more horrifying. But even if he completely lost lucidity (not in the way that first comes to mind; his mouth tastes rather conspicuously un-bloody), there's still the question of how he got to Codebreaker's bathroom. Or, for that matter, why he went there in the first place.

Then he gets up from the autobarber and things start falling into place. Oh, yeah. Codebreaker probably brought him home, and... presumably, Kyrie needed cleaning. More so than he normally does. Or at least Codebreaker seemed to think so; so much dirt has been washed away that his fur appears to be a different color altogether, less of the ruddy brown-red that everyone was used to and something closer to a strawberry blonde. Did Codebreaker manage to bleach his fur in his sleep somehow, too?

...Even if he did, Kyrie has to admit, it's not a bad look.

The wolf-knight gives his arm a quick smell and shakes his head. Nope. No bleach. That's all just a matter of vigorous cleaning.

In hindsight? Gross. No wonder Codebreaker was always giving him a hard time. On some level, he always thought the wolfen was joking. Absum knows the man has a healthy sense of humor. Just thinking about some of the antics he'd always get up to... Kyrie can't help but give a mildy amused chuff.

Of course, his thoughts take a bit of a turn when he moves over to collect the bathrobe and notices something out of the corner of his eye... which is to say, Codebreaker, sitting outside.

Not entirely dressed.

...Normally, this wouldn't really bother Kyrie. They're in a private domicile, so not in public, and he's dealt with naked men coming back from cleaning up before.

But then, he normally didn't... quite notice in the same way, before.


Is it just him, or did it get a little warm in here all of the sudden?

Kyrie hastily pulls on the bathrobe (yup, still too big) and steps outside, cautiously approaching the sleeping wolfen. Should he wake him? He might not have gotten very much sleep the night before, it might be better to let him sleep.

And... if he's being completely honest with himself, Kyrie isn't entirely sure what he'd do if Codebreaker woke up.
Who're you? ...Don't matter.

Want some rye? Course ya do!

Here's to us!
Who's like us?
Damn few,
And they're aaaaall dead.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Butterfly Bay

No bleach, just the refreshing scent if citrus. Hopefully Kyrie doesn't mind temporarily having CB's level of shampoo. At least he picked a different flavor.
But for now, that vigorous scent betrays him as Codebreaker's nose twitches and he starts to stir.
"Hmm. Kyrie, that you? I picked a good one huh? What time is it?" he groans groggily.
Which may make Kyrie make another realization: it is a bright and sunny morning. Which means that his options are quite literally to spend the rest of the day locked in here with Codebreaker or light himself on fire.
It's an even easier choice than it would usually be.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

Things have been going... Mostly okay?

Khannie is still off campus for summer, which has been nice. Staying in the dorms is cool but it makes Khannie miss home. Maybe it'll grow less pointed over time as she gets use to it.

Her talks with Sophie and her meeting with Eudaemonia have really helped her come to terms with the fact that she doesn't have to hate being a pokemon.

What happened to Arthfael sucks but she's confident that they will be able to figure it out. This IS the Nexus after all.

The situation with Kyubey was really stressful but she's glad that she managed to get to Victoria before her friend blew up.

Even her summer ACTION! Archeology assignments have been cool.

For today, though, Khannie is just having a relaxing day.

"DAD! ZEBES! I'M GUNNA MAKE SOME ROOTBEER FLOATS DO YOU WANT ONE?!" she yells through the house as she gathers the soda on the counter.

"I WANT ONE!" Maridia yells from atop the refrigerator.

"You don't need a whole one you little cookie monster, you can share mine," Khannie retorts as she retrieves the ice cream from the freezer and pulls off the lid-
-only to topple over backwards in surprise when a draconequus emerges from the carton.

"Well I for one would LOVE a rootbeer float, thank you for asking," Fortuna says to the shocked zoroark.
Last edited by Rebonack on Aug 02, 2023 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace’s Place

Just another day in the Vallarm household.
Commissar looks up from his spot on the tiles and sniffs at Fortuna. They’ve never met.

”Hullo, Forte. What do we owe the pleasure?” Zebes asks sincerely from the counter.

Jace, for his part, turns the corner and gives a look.
Jace has always been a little colder to Fortuna compared to Zebes and Nick.
But he…bows?
”I’d told you had quite a claw in saving my daughter’s soul. Thank you.”
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

Khannie, from her position sitting on her butt there on the floor, scowls at the whole thank-you thing. "All she did was-"
"WHY YES! I most certainly did!" Fortuna replies, having shoved a carton's worth of strawberry habanero ice-cream into Khannie's mouth. "How very KIND of you to notice! It wasn't my best work, I'll admit, but the zone of feathers was a real hoot."

...when did that owl begin sitting on Jace's shoulder?

"Whoo," quothe the owl.

"Really, it wasn't as if I could say no. Little Khannie here is my favorite and most enduring joke after all and it would be absolutely insipid if she were reduced to a battery feeding some humorless eyeball monster. Why, the amount of chaos she's visited on the lives of her friends is simply delicious! Can you imagine how boring that little goblin's life would be otherwise? What was her name again? Bricknicky? Bunblatters?"

Khannie spits out the brick of ice-cream stuffed in her mouth, narrowly avoiding brain-freeze. The ice cream goes skidding across the floor like a curling stone and bumps into Commissar, which will in turn send HIM skidding across the floor like a curling stone.

"My FRIEND's name is Brinika," Khannie indignantly supplies.

"Little Nicky, yes, now I thought that was the dragon with the handsome mustache? I must be getting them confused," Fortuna replies, stroking the obsudly long fu manchu mustache she's now sporting.

"Nick Jr is the dragon, Brinika is the goblin,"
retorts the zoroark, unsure why she's even bothering.

"Ah! Yes yes, I remember now. The Nick from another timeline. Oh what a FUN distraction that was. There's nothing quite like twisting the timeline into a pretzel to spice up an evening," Fortuna laughs, floating up in the air just as a second Fortuna wearing FUTURISTIC! shoulder pads steps out of a nearby closet, looks startled, and then hurries away again. "Now then, to answer your question Zebes my friend I'm here on a VERY serious matter. DREADFULLY serious, I might add. So serious I even find myself compelled to wear my SERIOUS EYEBROWS!"

A fake set of very thick and very frowny eyebrows are set on her brow as she abruptly LOOMS over Jace.

She reaches out to boop his nose.
"Have become boring. You used to have all sorts of zany adventures! I accompanies you on more than a few! And now here you are, scarcely even on-screen anymore while our illustrious daughter engages in crazy antics and convoluted plots and inexplicable transformations in your stead!" Fortuna laments gesturing at Khannie. At 'crazy' Khannie is afforded with a bright rainbow colored wig atop her head with her zoroark pony-tail sticking out from under it. At 'plots' she's now holding a canvas bag full of fireworks, rolled up maps, a container of bread pudding, and one pink lawn flamingo that immediately begins flapping and honking. At 'transformations' absolutely nothing happens. "CLEARLY she must get it from me."

"You're not my mom!"
Khannie growls, narrowly avoiding getting bit on the nose by the (fake?) flamingo.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

Jace pets the owl while Fortuna does her thing. Poor Commissar skids away.
He also lets her boop his nose. He knows she'll do nothing good but also if he tries to twist out of it her claw will just grow to reach it anyway. And that it's not like she needs physical contact to turn them all into hamsters anyway.
"Properly speaking, the whole pokemon incident was when Geneva's identity was still very much driving, though it was after your name change. So that's a debate no one wants to get into.

And I became a parent, Fortuna. Which, if you insist on trying to take credit, is partially your fault. Being a sort-of-single-father means I have to be here for my daughter and very much alive and capable of being there for her. And not traipsing off into tombs getting myself killed."
"Or getting bound forever as a tomb guardian." "Or getting turned into a sphinx." "Or a hippopotamus." "Or starting a superhero career." "Or getting tricked into joining the Monster Wrestling League."

Jace shrugs, giving a sigh. "So. I know I'm quite unable to stop you from doing just about anything you set your mind to. So what is it today? And can I get you to leave Khannie out of it?"
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

Let's be real here.

Who wouldn't pet an owl, given the chance?

The nose boop, as it happens, was just a nose boop. Sort of like how sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and team battle against an onyx and a cloyster has absolutely no subtext what so ever.

"Quibbling over details I must say. I was still growing into the roll, you see,"
Fortuna replies, making a gesturing toward the dice built into her hips but thankfully not actually rolling them. "But yes, that's it isn't it? You were all alone taking care of precious little Khannie. I had offered to be in the blind date game-show, you know. But Libra rejected my application!"

Fortuna makes a big show of draping herself dramatically across the fainting couch that wasn't previously in the kitchen while reaching out and pinching Khannie's cheek.

"She said you wouldn't be into hippos. A real shame! We could have been there for each other and the child we created together! Alas you remained all alone!"

"You AREN'T my MOM!" Khannie insists, flailing ineffectually at Fortuna's paw. "You just did weird magic stuff; dad's my only parent."

The pinching paw is gone. As is the couch. As is Fortuna. As is the kitchen...? Suddenly our heroes are standing in a pokemon laboratory and Fortuna is wearing a long white labcoat with a name-tag hanging off it. The tag reads, scribbled in crayon, 'Professor Tree-Name'.

"Now I may not be an expert on pokemon lore but DO remind me, when two pokemon live together in close proximity for an extended period of time and like each other an egg simply happens does it not?" Fortuna inquires, indicating with a pointer a picture of two generic pokemon with little hearts above their heads on an easel. Then she flips the page over, indicating three big question marks. Then she flips it over AGAIN, revealing a picture of a pokemon egg with 'EGG' helpfully written below it.

Khannie, who is suddenly dressed up in an exact replica of the female black/white protagonist's outfit, is looking irritated at how short her shorts are. Do these things even COUNT as shorts?

"You know, I had hoped the boarding school would help. If Khannie is safe off in the dorms then maybe you would be a little more willing to actually take center-stage again. Alas! It was not to be! You've been stuck waiting and stagnating. Terrible, is what it is. Simply inexcusable. HOWEVER I am nothing if not magnanimous! As beneficent as I am beautiful and brilliant! While you're off having an adventure I shall be a fine and responsible mother taking care of dear, sweet Khannie while father is busy. That's how it ought to be, isn't it?"

Meanwhile, Khannie has pulled off the dumb sleeveless jacket that got CHAOS!'d onto her and finds an exact replica under it.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

"Well yes, but they also have to be in the same egg group. Also you and Geneva were still original-Geneva-but-with-a-dice-butt-tattoo at the time Jace was a kangaskhan for all of fifteen seconds. So the two of you weren't pokemon at the same time." Zebes pipes in with his incredibly annoying ability to remember random innocuous details.
"Well, you've been in charge of her for less than a minute and you've dressed her in violation of the school's dress code and any reasonable person's sensibilities, so I think that I really do need to insist that you not."
Jace folds his arms.
"But we all know that me attempting to force you would be both rude as friends as it would be ineffectual. So, what's on your docket for me, then? If it's just me can I ask that Zebes stay to keep things at least slightly in the vicinity of reasonability?"

Commissar is attempting to get back to Jace but is still sliding on the lab's tiles.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

"Do you REALLY think,"
Fortuna laughs in typical anime hand held in front of mouth fashion. "That something so trivial as egg groups and the linear progression of time could actually prevent me from having my fun? And come now! We're just having a good time playing dress-up, aren't we Khannie?"

Khannie, meanwhile, grabs her whole outfit and RIPS! The thing comes off in one piece like a paper doll dress. And her regular clothes are under it this time. She boggles at the paper pokemon trainer outfit and then just discards it casually. "I dunno if good time's the words I'd use."

"Oh what a kidder!" Fortuna declares, wrapping an arm around Khannie and pulling her in to give the wriggling zoroark a nuggie. "We'll have all sorts of fun, just you watch! And if Zebes wants to join in then, why, the more the merrier! We'll have a GRAND old time and only break a mostly reasonable number of things."

The pokemon lab just sort of... slides away like a stage backdrop, taking our heroes back to the kitchen again. Only this time it has been decorated with balloons, streamers, colorfully wrapped boxes, and a collection of cakes. A strange bald man in purple and green outfit is currently surreptitiously slipping out the back door hauling a card loaded down with forty cakes behind him.

That's as many as four tens!

And that's terrible.

"I have a fun one for you, actually,"
Fortuna informs Jace. "I think you might rather enjoy it. How would you like-"
The draconequus' grin grows dangerous.
"-to put a stop to the nasty business that put our daughter's soul in jeopardy? You won't be able to finish it ALONE, of course. That wouldn't be any fun. No narrative weight, you see. But there's a McGuffin which might help. You know the sort. At the bottom of a TERRIBLE DUNGEON full of rolling bounders, shooting darts, and bad elevator music on loop. The sort of thing a seasoned adventurer like yourself should have no trouble retrieving."

When did Jace get an Indian Jones fedora and a whip?

"I will, of course, help by snapping you to the entrance and then doing absolutely nothing of positive use."


That sure gets Khannie's attention. She even stops wriggling around in Fortuna's grip. "Daddy you've gotta do it," she says, the insistence in her voice leaving no question. "It wasn't just me that monster was gobbling up. There's lots of girls and they all need help. If I've just gotta sit around here and keep Fortuna entertained then I'll do whatever I've gotta do, too."
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

Jace gives Fortuna a somewhat incredulous smile.
"Well, if I should have no trouble retrieving it, I imagine you wouldn't consider it much fun. So there's going to be more to it than that." He reaches down to pick up Commissar and deposit him onto the non-tiled part of the floor so he can stand.
"I would like information on this thing that supposedly can do something about the entities that so far have been thoroughly immune to everything anyone has tried. I'll do it of course as I imagine you could very easily have made it yourself just now, but I'd still like to know what I'm looking for."
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

"Well if you INSIST then I suppose I can ensure that this little errand is exciting and entertaining for you. Not that I would EVER orchestrate such a quest for my own personal amusement," Fortuna replies, sounding about as ingenious as she normally does.

Khannie, meanwhile, has left a definitely convincing looking zoroark plush in Fortuna's grasp and is busy sneaking over to Zebes. "So if we're gunna basically have the house to ourselves what should we do?" she whispers.

"Now, a word or two about the object of your great quest which I most certainly did not create on the spot. Any assertions to the contrary are of course slander against my unimpeachable moral character," Fortuna asserts.

A peach with cartoony arms and legs and a name tag sticker which reads 'Hello my name is: FORTUNA'S MORAL CHARACTER' tumbles out of her tail and scrambles away.

"The great eye poker of blinding! When used to comically poke a being in the eyes whilst uttering the magical word 'nyuk' three times it will render them blind to the world around them!"
Fortuna explains, pulling out a scroll with an image of the artifact on it.

The artifact in question is a bronze hand holding its fingers in a V attached to the end of a stick.
Last edited by Rebonack on Aug 03, 2023 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

[I mean, we could try to do something fun to keep her occupied. But keeping her occupied can be pretty hard. Any activities come to mind?] Zebes silently answers Khannie.
Jace examines the scroll with the utmost seriousness.
" be honest that sounds amusing but not terribly helpful? Is it permanent? What if Kyubey doesn't need to see? What if there's more than one? It would certainly help if you had a way to kill one but you would still need to actually do that even if you had this."
Jace seems incredulous that this will solve the problem of meddlesome cat-foxes.
What will Fortuna do?
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

"I dunno," Khannie whispers back. "I dunno what sortsa things she likes. I was tiny when she was still around and I don't remember everything."
Remembering a bunch of details from when you were really young can be hard sometimes.
"Does she like Smash Bros?"

What kind of terrible person DOESN'T like smash bros?


"Those are all excellent questions," Fortuna replies to Jace.
And then snaps her claws, ostensibly teleporting him off to whatever dungeon she definitely didn't just create in a flash of white light.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

And then Jace is gone! How mysterious.
"Well, you've gotten Jace involved in a convoluted plot, that's for sure. And probably antics. I probably have to ask to hold off on the inexplicable transformations part. Khannie had like three in the past year and the family's quota is met. And his cape just wouldn't go on a hippo." Still, Zebes shrugs his wings.
"You still like smash bros?"
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

"Inexplicable transformations are SO last decade," Fortuna replies dismissively. Even waves her paw in a very whatever sort of way. "And are you REALLY asking me if I would stoop so low as to amuse myself by playing video games when I can conjure up any form of entertainment I wish? Really? Please. What do you take me for?"

Khannie wrinkles her nose at that reply. "You didn't actually say no."

A perceptive point!

"Answering questions is hardly in my interest. I have no desire to be nailed down to a single answer when I could be carried about by my whims instead! I suppose the better question is; would YOU TWO like to play Smash Bros?"
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

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Jace's Place

"Hm, that's funny Forte. Because as I recall you were directly responsible for several, including the faerie dragon incident with Khannie last year." And he doesn't even know about the sphinx incident.
"And yes, I think that is something we could do for fun while we wait for Jace to explode all your challenges."
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

"I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about,"
Fortuna retorts, turning her nose up at Zebes. "But! Since you're clearly a good sport I suppose a rousing round of Smash Bros could be smashed about. Which one, though, I wonder? There HAVE been quite a few, after all. And they're all so different! And none of them have anyone as capable and beautiful as myself, which is a real shame."

"We've got the newest one it's got everyone in it,"
Khannie replies.

"Oh REALLY? Everyone, you say? Absolutely everyone? That sounds fascinating. How ever did they accomplish such a thing?" Fortuna inquires.

Khannie looks like she's about to reply, but she stops suddenly, running her tongue along her teeth. "You're doing something. What're you doing?"

"What!? Moi? Are you implying that I would be up to things?" Fortuna replies, full of faux indignantly.

"Any time you're doing something weird my teeth start to itch. And if it's something BIG and weird it feels like my whole body's trying to giggle," Khannie retorts.

"Well, I suppose that's because you resonate with my chaos magic. No surprise their, after all. Are you quite certain you felt something? I'm just sitting here being utterly innocent while your uncle retrieves a totally harmless video game."
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

"Yeah, sometimes when I'm right next to you when you do it everything smells fizzy." Zebes has to be a lot closer than Khannie, though. Khannie can seemingly tell from miles away.
"Here I go, retrieving this box kept under the console that I'm sure will be exactly the same as when I last saw it." pipes the dragon as he glides over to the TV stand.
Boy, isn't Khannie glad that her dad understands and uses modern technology instead of being one of those nexus spellcasters who eschews owning TVs and phones?
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Ironsmith »

[Butterfly Bay]

"The time," Kyrie grunts, looking out the window and immediately wishing he hadn't, "is too late for me to return home. Beyond that, I am as in the proverbial dark as you are."

Poor choice of words.

...Normally, one would expect "spend time with your best friend or else burst into flame" to be a particularly easy choice to make, yes. But today, Kyrie finds himself, surprisingly, being of two minds on the matter. Codebreaker isn't unpleasant company... far from it, he's about as far from "unpleasant" as anybody in this town gets. But for some reason, being around him is making Kyrie unreasonably nervous. It's really not at all clear why; last night, Kyrie found himself rather enjoying Codebreaker's company, even on a more physica-

Who're you? ...Don't matter.

Want some rye? Course ya do!

Here's to us!
Who's like us?
Damn few,
And they're aaaaall dead.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Butterfly Bay

Codebreaker hauls himself up, shaking his head and- blinking in surprise at Kyrie's new look.
"Well you'll just have to stay just like old- Holy crud. Kyrie, what happened? I know I just loaded regular shampoo into the thing and- oh spirits, were you covered in blood this whole time? I was going to ask you about the fact that you apparently went out of your way to buy size XXL medieval loincloths after you got big instead of anything comfortable, but you told me that you were just red! For a year!"
He shakes his head and then seemingly just moves on. He isn't even going to address his own state apparently.
"So anyway, you do look great. How are you doing? Are you okay? I'm still getting those weird vibes from you. And now I'm positive it's you because we're at my place where there's nobody else in range."
What he's not saying is that he's getting a lot of indication that Kyrie is feeling weird, and it directly concerns Codebreaker. And specifics about Codebreaker.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

Khannie is pretty glad that her family doesn't refuse to make use of technology.

What would even be the point of that?

Sure magic is cool and all but it is WAY either to let someone at a factory build a cool thing and then just pay money for it when compared to taking a whole bunch of time and effort to learn to do things via magic. It's the magic of cooperation that really makes the world go around!


Zebes flies on over there!

Checks that spot where the video game should be!

Oh hey sure enough it's right where it's supposed to be.

Khannie is watching Fortuna the whole time suspiciously. Fortuna is just floating there looking utterly innocent.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

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Jace’s Place

”Oh boy here I go putting it in the slot and pressing the power button I’m sure absolutely nothing different will happen.”
Zebes says with utmost confidence as he fetches the multi-controller adapter.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

The game boots up as normal. There still isn't anything weird going on. Khannie will cautiously take one of the controllers in her very human-like paws. She's really really REALLY glad that the gene-mod her dad got for her when she was little has stuck in spite of all the weird. Having four fingers and a thumb on each paw is amazing and she would be pretty upset if she were stuck with the giant stupid three-clawed paws that a zoroark normally has.

Absolutely zero fun.

As the game is running through the main screen Khannie busy giving Fortuna a look.

"I KNOW you did something. What did you do?"
she interrogates the draconequus.

Fortuna gives Khannie a look of feigned innocents. "I haven't the slightest idea what you're referring to," she replies, batting her eyes in the most suspicious way possible.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

Zebes scrambles back up to the couch and gets settled as he opens up the versus mode menu. How does he use a controller when he is so small and quadruped? Probably the same way he somehow plays a harmonica. Extreme skills.

"So! What have you been up to recently, Forte? Any good pranks lately?" he asks, trying to make conversation.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Rebonack »

[Jace's Place]

"Hmm... well, I did recently replace a tyrant's whole armory with soup spoons,"
Fortuna replies thoughtfully. "The look on his face when he discovered it was absolutely priceless! There's nothing quite like whipping a peasant mob into a frenzy, I must admit. There's a certain art to it. Just the right prodding, just the right whispered idea here and there, a rock thrown at an opportune moment. And then the whole crowd erupts into chaos! I'm sure they must have come up with something inventive to do with the tyrant once they caught him, but I didn't stick around to find out. I'm a very busy spirit of disharmony with a great deal of work to do."

She leans back on a pink and orange polkadot sofa she just conjured out of nothing, gripping the controller with her feet.

"But, every now and again, I can't hurt TOO much to take a little break and visit my favorite little besties."

When the character select screen pops open Zebes may find it a bit out of the ordinary. Because it includes dramatically more characters than usual.

Khannie squints at it. "Wait is THIS what you did? Added a ton of new fighters?"

"Maybe," Fortuna replies cryptically.

"Huh, it's got a ghosty zoroar-"
"ZOROARK!" bellows the announcer.
As soon as Khannie's pointer hovers over the character she vanishes from the couch. And the now selected zoroark on the screen looks around bewildered. Looks this way. Then that way. Then straight at the screen in shock. She pounds against the screen a few times with her paws, but of course this does nothing since she's a bunch of colored squares on the television.
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Re: Keeper's Homes, Forts, Estates and Places

Post by Keeper »

Jace's Place

"Oh come on Khannie, you really didn't see that one coming when there was one of those?" Zebes sighs. Though he can't really blame her since with his many extra characters the icons are REALLY small.
"And you know that she feels weird about not wearing clothes." Zebes reaches over to press the X button on Khannie's controller to cycle through the alternate costumes. Pokemon characters always have those.
"I trust in the spirit of not breaking your toys we'll be fine once you inevitably win due to being the most overpowered character in the game?" Zebes asks in good spirits, well aware he's fifteen seconds from getting pulled in himself.
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